39th ITA General Assembly and WTC2013 - TunnelCast

06 June 2013: The ITA General Assembly of 71 Member Nations confirmed new members of the Executive Council and a new President of the Association for the coming three years while Switzerland, as the host nation of the 2013 World Tunnel Congress, staged an event that many will remember beyond the closing events and final technical presentations.


39th ITA General Assembly and WTC2013

Paula Wallis reports for TunnelTalk
Geneva, Switzerland, June 03-06, 2013
Congress theme:
Underground - the way to the future
Sir Alan Muir Wood Memorial Lecture
Dick Robbins, USA
Final session of the ITA Global Perspective Open Session 2013 Geneva - Delivering Better and Resilient Cities
Invitation to:
WTC2014, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, May 2014
WTC2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2015
WTC2016, San Francisco, USA, May 2016