
November 2008: California's high speed rail was a winner in the recent US general elections when state voters agreed a $10 billion public funding ballot measure. This is one of 23 public funding measures in 16 states for a total of more than $70 billion to gain voter approval. Advocates of California's high speed rail are now anxious to get construction started and the system in operation by 2020.

A complete list of initiatives and how they fared is published by the Center for Transportation Excellence (CFTE)


California to bring HSR to North America

Paula Wallis reports for TunnelTalk
700 miles from San Francisco and Sacrameto in Northern California to Los Angeles and San Diego in the South.
30 to 50 miles of tunnels on starter line from San Francisco to Los Angeles and Anahiem.
Estimated $40 billion
PPP with $9.95 billion public bond
California passes $9.95 billion bond measure for High Speed Rail on November 4, 2008. Environmental review and preliminary engineering underway. Efforts also underway to secure $10 billion in federal funding and some $15 billion in private investment. Likely to be a DBOM (design-build-operate-maintain) contract.