Doha Metro final TBM breakthrough

September 25, 2016: Major celebrations have taken place today to mark the end of TBM excavation on the Doha Metro project. The last of 21 Herrenknecht EPBMs engaged on the 56km nework of twin-tube running tunnel excavation broke through to complete a total 112km of segmentally lined infrastructure in 26 months, achieving 2.5km of complete tunnel in one week when all 21 machines were running simultaneously.

Doha Metro final breakthrough - TunnelTalk, Sept 2016
Doha Metro nears final breakthrough - TunnelTalk, August 2016
Soft ground challenge for Doha TBMs - TunnelTalk, February 2014
Herrenknecht sweeps Doha Metro Phase 1 - TunnelTalk, January 2014


Doha Metro final TBM breakthrough

TunnelTalk reporting
Project: Doha Metro, Qatar
Event: Final breakthrough for 21 Herrenknecht TBMs on the project
Interviewed: Dipl-Wirtsch-Ing Michael Sprang
Deputy Board Member,
CEO Traffic Tunnelling Unit
Herrenknecht AG
Dipl-Ing Gunter Richter
Deputy Board Member,
Director Traffic Tunnelling Unit
Herrenknecht AG
Dr-Eng Gerhad Wehrmeyer
Project Division Manager,
Traffic Tunnelling Unit
Herrenknecht AG
Project data: 56km of twin-tube metro running tunnel completed by 21 TBMs in 26 months across four metro lines and by four tunnelling joint ventures
Geology: Soft ground comprising Simsima Limestone and Midra Shale under a high groundwater table
TBMs: 21 x 7.05-7.11m diameter EPB TBMs
Lining: Precast concrete segmental lining