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20 May 2021             ALERT SIGNUP
ITA call nominations for the 2021 Awards

After the success of previous series, nominations are called for the eight categories of the prestigious 2021 ITA Awards

No plans to restore abandoned Protvino project

Having excavated the 5m diameter x 21km accelerator ring at Protvino, our correspondent in Russia reports there is no plan to restore the abandoned engineering

Final phases of metro excavations in Melbourne

Melbourne Metro excavations advance to link five new underground stations and 9km of twin TBM running tunnels

Shortlist for BART to San Jose extension

Three design-build groups, from five that prequalified, are shortlisted for construction of the BART extension to San Jose, 8km and three stations of which is aligned underground

Video: Abandoned Protvino project

Video: Constructing the CERN-LHC

Underground projects throughout history have been abandoned due to politics, finances and more. Instead of letting them go to waste with potential maintenance costs, repurposing them for an alternative use could be an untapped opportunity.

Send us your thoughts

Recent reporting
Obituary: Mechanical engineer Niko Kleuters
TunnelTECH: Stacked drifts as presupport
Discussion Forum: TBM procurement
Italy: Considering a post Covid recovery
From the Archive:
CERN accelerates critical collider upgrade
Spectacular excavations for physics research
Designing a 100km collider tunnel for CERN
Particle experiments the goal at Hamburg
Brenner Base opens
Brenner Base opening postponed to 2032
Work to start on Davao City bypass
Contract signed for Sydney M6 highway
Implenia JV selected for Norwegian road
Premier gives Quebec fixed link update
India plans for 331km road links by 2026
Photo exhibition of LA Metro system
Vancouver Broadway Subway progresses
Metro station turns into art museum
Testing starts at Shanghai Metro Line 18
TBM ready for Shantou Bay rail crossing
Radioactive waste research laboratory
Eurostar gets €290 million bailout
Automation market to witness growth
Orica to sell Minova as profit falls
Contract for training new HS2 recruits

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