Sparvo highway tunnel project, Italy

September 2014: TBM systems manufactured for short but technically demanding projects leave with them a wealth of amortization and reserve design-life that is available for redeployment after final breakthrough on the initial project.
The €65 million Herrenknecht mega-TBM system was used at Sparvo to complete twin 15.5m o.d. drives for the 2.5km long highway tunnel in Italy. Jens Classen, Director of the Tunnelling Division for Toto Construzioni Generali, explains the Sparvo project and the availability of the award-winning investment for redeployment.

Significant breakthrough at Sparvo - TunnelTalk, July 2013
Tracking the world's mega-TBMs - TunnelTalk, Discussion Forum
Prizes for international tunnelling achievements - TunnelTalk, Nov 2013


Sparvo highway tunnel project, Italy

Shani Wallis reporting for TunnelCast
Location: The hills between Bologna and Florence
Tunnel details: 2 x 2.5km x 15.5m o.d. drives
Type: Three lane highway tunnels
Owner: Autostrade per l'Italia SpA
Tunnel contract value: US$233.6 million
Tunnel contractor: Toto Costruzioni Generali with JV partners
EPBM manufacturer: Herrenknecht AG
Project accolades: 2013 Project of the Year (under $500M)
  2013 Tunnel Project Client of the Year
  2013 Tunnelling Contractor of the Year