Kolkata Metro Line 1 provided start of the international career for Gus Klados
Kolkata Metro Line 1 provided start of the international career for Gus Klados

September 2019: Gusztav, Gus, Klados, has enjoyed a distinguished career in the international tunnelling industry travelling first from his home country Hungary to work on an underground section of the Kolkata Metro Line 1 in the 1980s. From there he has worked on leading projects in many countries of the world and is currently engaged on the Klang Valley MRT Line 2 project in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In a series of excerpts from a recent Face to Face interview with Klados, he recalls his experiences on the Kolkata Metro and the story of his engagement on other projects will follow during the coming weeks.

Honours for an international tunnellerTunnelCast, February 2017
First TBM breakthrough for KVMRT Line 2TunnelCast, February 2019