Technical focus at
Nov 2013

Peter Kenyon, TunnelTalk
- Organisers are gearing up to deliver the most successful STUVA Conference yet. Under this year's theme Tunnels - Infrastructure for the Future, the biannual conference is expecting to top the 1,400 delegates who registered in Berlin for thesession in 2011. This year the internationally-renowned Research Association for Underground Transportation Facilities (STUVA), is being held at the International Congress Centre for Stuttgart from 27 to 29 November.
- The STUVA event is one of the highlights on the European conference circuit with attendance affording delegates the opportunity to network with other tunnelling professionals, keep up to date on some of the latest innovations being applied on some of largest projects in Europe, as well as benefit from access to the STUVA Expo trade exhibition that takes place simultaneously with the technical programme in a convenient and easily accessible space immediately outside the lecture hall. With all technical sessions being held in the same room, delegates can plan their days with greater confidence.
STUVA 2013 Exhibition preview
To navigate quickly and easily through the dizzying array of some 150 or more stands that cover what is expected to be a very busy Exhibition Hall area, TunnelTalk has prepared an interactive Exhibition preview. - As well as giving a detailed overview of the full layout of the hall, navigation to the stands of the leading companies supplying products and services to the underground construction industry is made easy through this interactive facility.
- Clicking on the Booth Number of your selected company in the panel on the right of our special Exhibition preview page will reveal on the map the exact location of that company in the hall, enabling users of the facility to plan their busy schedules more efficiently. Alternatively, to find out more about the products and services offered, click on the company logo to navigate directly to their website.
- With STUVA hosted this year in Stuttgart, many of the lectures, technical presentations and post-conference tours are centred on the Stuttgart-21 high speed rail project for which the majority of tunnelling contracts in and around the city, as well as along the associated alignment between Wendlingen and Ulm, are now under construction.
Delivering technological advances
- STUVA is an internationally research institute that develops new products and methods in conjunction with industrial partners in the field of transportation infrastructure. The company, based in Cologne, Germany, was established in 1960 and is divided into two units: Tunnelling & Construction Technology and Transport & Environment. The organisation has three test hall installations with a floor space of 2,000m2, and works with partners and 250 corporate member organisations to advance technology and understanding in the fields of tunnelling, waterproofing, fire protection design in the underground, and noise protection.
- On the international front, Crossrail Chief Engineer, Chris Dulake, will present an insight into the challenges of constructing the project's 21km underground link underneath London, while technical, contractual, safety and technological issues concerning projects in Ireland (the Corrib gas pipleline under Sruwaddacon Bay), Holland (the Amsterdam Metro and double deck A2 highway tunnel in Maastricht), Austria (the Koralm high speed rail tunnel), Switzerland (the St Gotthard Base Tunnel), Australia (Cahallenges in planning PPP tunnels), and also in the UK (the Thames Tunnel on the Crossrail project), are all covered during two full days of presentations. TunnelTalk has covered many of these projects over the last year, and background detail can be gathered from the list of project-by-project references below.
- Download of the STUVA 2013 conference programme will outline full details of all the presentations, speakers and planned guided excursions. Technical sessions take place throughout the day on 27 and 28 November, with 29 November providing a choice of guided visits to ongoing projects in the Stuttgart vacinity, as well as a tour to the Herrenknecht manufacturing facility in nearby Schwanau.
- For international visitors, this year's venue, the International Congress Centre for Stuttgart (ICS), is particularly accessible, situated within a short walking distance of the city's main airport terminal. The conference languages are German and English and with German for the guided tours.
STUVA 2011 explores a sustainable future - TunnelTalk, December 2011
Australia suffers toll concession failures - TunnelTalk Discussion Forum, July 2013
Stuttgart 21
Herrenknecht EPBM for Bossler tunnel, Sep 2011
Major station and tunnel awards, Mar 2012
Tender for Bossler and Steinbuhl tunnels, Nov 2011
Maastricht A2 double deck tunnel
- Building Holland's first double-deck tunnel, June 2012
- Building Holland's first double-deck tunnel, June 2012
Crossrail, London
Crossrail nears excavation landmark, Sep 2013
Live tests for 'smart' segmental lining, Aug 2013
Creating SCL caverns for Crossrail, Sep 2012
Corrib pipeline, Ireland
- Tunnel award seals Irish gas project, June 2012
Fatal accident on Irish gas project, Sep 2013
- Tunnel award seals Irish gas project, June 2012
Koralm rail tunnel, Austria
First TBM launched for Koralm rail tunnel, Feb 2013
First TBM delivered for 18km Alpine drive, Sep 2012
Strabag selects Aker Wirth machines, May 2011
Work starts on Austria's longest rail link, July 2011
Gotthard Base Tunnel, Switzerland
- Final finish for Gotthard baseline excavation, Mar 2011
Epoch making Gotthard baseline, Oct 2010
Concrete contribution to Gotthard, Oct 2010
Gotthard TBM safely across the Piora Mulda, Nov 2008
- Final finish for Gotthard baseline excavation, Mar 2011
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