Procurement | |
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
Request for industry feedback - RFIF S20174- Subject: VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension
Program/Tunnel and Trackwork Project- Issue date: September 16, 2020
- Response due date: October 30, 2020
- The request for industry feedback is to gather information regarding interest from organizations in a progressive design-build contract for the single-bore tunnel and trackwork for the VTA’s BART Silicon Valley (Phase II Program. The information obtained will be considered by VTA in advancing the program and may be reflected in subsequent procurement documents including but not limited to a request for qualifications and a request for proposals.
- More specifically, this RFIF has two purposes:
- First, to seek the industry perspective and feedback on the questions in Appendix A to the RFIF. Interested parties are strongly encouraged to submit written responses to these questions.
- Secondly, to arrange for optional follow-up individual meetings, at VTA’s sole discretion, with qualified organizations as described in Section 4 below.
- View the RFIF online to ensure awareness of any changes.
- This is an RFIF only and is issued solely for market research purposes. It does not constitute a formal solicitation, nor does it guarantee that a formal solicitation may follow. The RFIF should not be construed as a means to prequalify vendors and not responding to this RFIF does not preclude participation in any future solicitation, if issued. Time and resources spent by organizations in the development of a response to this RFIF, or attending an individual meeting, is voluntary and solely at that organization’s cost. Any future contract related to the subject of this RFIF that may be awarded must comply with VTA’s procurement policies/procedures as well as any other relevant VTA policies/procedures.
- In addition to the above opportunity, VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Project will be releasing requests for industry feedback for major contracts of the project in the months of September and October. In order to receive notification, updates and information about these opportunities, please register to be a vendor. Visit the VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Contracting Plan for additional information.
References:BART to San Jose configuration - TunnelTalk, May 2020
Lower Olentangy Tunnel for City of Columbus, Ohio, USA
- Bid documents: Available from 20 July 2020
- Bid opening: 3pm, 30 September 2020
- Legal Notice: Capital Improvements Project
No. 650724-100000 Lower Olentangy Tunnel- SCOPE: The project comprises:
- Approximately 17,000 linear feet of 12ft minimum diameter TBM sewer through soft-ground, mixed-face conditions and a short section of shale;
- 335 linear feet of 12ft diameter sewer via sequential excavation through karstic limestone;
- Approximately 1,075 linear feet of 90in combined sewer to be constructed via curved microtunnel through soft-ground;
- Five (5) shafts, three (3) diversion structures, four (4) relief structures, and three (3) jack and bores;
- Ancillary utility, odor control, instrumentation, and electrical work as shown on the detailed drawings and as specified in the contract specifications.
- BID OPENING: Bids to be received electronically only via Bid Express, by the Department of Public Utilities of the City of Columbus, Ohio, until 3:00 p.m. local time on Wednesday, 30 September 2020. No public bid openings will be held pursuant to Columbus City Code Chapter 3219.18.
- PROCUREMENT OF DOCUMENTS: Bidding documents, including the invitation for bid, drawings, and technical specifications are available as separate documents at Bid Express beginning 20 July 2020.
- CLASSIFICATION: Federal Davis-Bacon wage rates and requirements apply. A 10% proposal guarantee is required and a 100% performance and payment bond will be required for the making of a contract.
- PREQUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Pursuant to Columbus City Code Section 329.20(c), the bidder must demonstrate that it has satisfied the City’s construction pre-qualification requirements. Contact the Pre-Qualification Office or on Tel: (614) 645-0359 with queries about construction pre-qualification status.
- Visit the Open Requests for Quotations listing on the City of Columbus Vendor Services web page for additional information concerning the bid, including procedures for obtaining a copy of the bidding documents and how to submit a proposal.
VTA's BART to Silicon Valley project procurement forum
- Date: 11 February 2020
- Venue: Double Tree by Hilton Hotel San Jose,
2050 Gateway Place, San Jose- Time: Doors open at 8.45am for start at 9.30am
- Access: Open to all interested with prior online registration
- Join the VTA BART Silicon Valley Phase II industry forum to learn about opportunities to participate in building a one of a kind mega-transit project. The VTA's BART Phase II Project is a 6 mile extension of BART service of Northern California into San Jose in the Santa Clara County that features 5 miles (8km) of single-bore TBM subway tunnelling with four stations plus the creation of transit-oriented communities at each future station area.
VTA's BART extension to Santa Clara County
- This informational forum will give an overview on the project, the construction contracts, the procurement opportunities, the project timeline and more.
- One of the most innovative features of VTA's BART Phase II project will be the single-bore tunnel that will accommodate both train trackways and the passenger boarding platforms at each underground station.
- Firms with expertise in heavy civil construction, tunnelling, track and systems procurement, building demolition, utility relocations and more, are encouraged to register and learn more about the project. VTA encourages SBE and DBE firms to participate.
- The project will greatly improve regional connectivity and is estimated to carry 52,000 riders to destinations throughout the San Francisco Bay Area by 2035.
- Register now to attend the 11 February forum
- Visit the VTA website to learn more about the project.
References:Funding and single-bore secured for BART to San Jose - TunnelTalk, May 2018
Lesotho Highlands hydro-mechanical Panel of Experts invitation
- The Lesotho Highlands Development Authority is currently inviting eligible persons to indicate their interest in providing services on the Hydro-Mechanical Panel of Experts for Phase II of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project through the project duration of seven years.
Site of Phase II Polihali Dam
- Elements of the Phase II scope includes a concrete-faced rockfill dam of 165m high, a 38km long water transfer tunnel, a road bridge of more than 500m long and 100m high, and all associated enabling infrastructure including roads, power supply, telecommunications, site establishment, operators facilities.
- Anticipated start date for this assignment is October 2018 and occasional visits to Maseru, Lesotho, and to the project sites in Lesotho will be required in tandem with home office work. Expressions of interest are to be submitted by 3pm local time on 15 October 2018.
- Qualified persons are requested to provide CVs clearly demonstrating that they meet the following criteria:
- English fluency;
- Professional registration with appropriate regional or international institutions;
- More than 25 years of experience on hydro-mechanical equipment on large dams, tunnels and hydropower installations;
- Publication of a minimum of five technical papers published internationally or presented at international conferences.
- Persons or firms already engaged under any engineering contract on LHWP Phase II are not eligible for appointment on the Panel of Experts. Any potential conflict of interest should be declared with the application.
- To respond with an expression of interest, please deliver by email an electronic submission, in pdf or other unalterable format, to on or before 3pm local time on 15 October 2018 with the email subject-line titled EOI for LHWP2 Engineering Panel of Experts–Hydro-Mechanical Expert.
- Clarification of this invitation for expressions of interest may be requested by email.
References:Lesotho Highlands Phase II preparations - TunnelTalk, February 2018
Reports of the Phase IA and IB construction experience - TunnelTalk, Books & Reports
- Lesotho Highlands construction pre-qualification to begin
- The Lesotho Highlands Development Authority has released notice to the international construction industry that pre-qualification for construction of Phase II of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project is to start in the second half of 2018. The Authority will be inviting expressions of interest from suitable qualified engineering and construction companies interested in tendering for the construction of the main elements of the Phase II – the 165m high Polihali Dam and the 38km long Polihali Transfer Tunnel.
Site of Phase II Polihali Dam
- Suitably experienced international contractors are encouraged to apply. Participation by Lesotho- and South African-national contractors will be essential for pre-qualification on these contracts. The requirement will be included in the pre-qualification documents.
- The schedule for pre-qualification and the invitation of expressions of interest is yet to be confirmed.
- For further details visit the project’s official website.
References:Lesotho Highlands Phase II preparations - TunnelTalk, February 2018
Reports of the Phase IA and IB construction experience - TunnelTalk, Books & Reports
Seattle Ship Canal water quality improvement tunnel project
- Seattle Public Utilities and King Country of Seattle are working together to build a 2.7 mile (4.3km) long storage tunnel to reduce the amount of combined sewer overflows into the Lake Washington Ship Canal from the neighborhoods of Ballard, Fremont, Wallingford, and north Queen Anne of Seattle, Washington (Fig 1).
Fig 1. Alignment of the new CSO storage tunnel
- During the week of 25 June 2018, 90% design documents and specifications for the 18ft 10in (5.75m) i.d. segmentally lined tunnel will be made available for contractor review and to provide comments or suggested revisions for the estimated US$175-$225 million design-bid-build project.
- The 2.7 mile (4.3km) tunnel is to be excavated using a pressurized face TBM at 30ft to 90ft below grade through over-consolidated glacial till and mixed face soils. The TBM is proposed to launch from the 86ft (26m) i.d. West Portal shaft excavated within slurry wall support and in which a pumping station will be built under separate contract. An adjacent pier will be used for loading excavated material for onward disposal.
- The TBM will advance to the 40ft (12m) i.d. secant pile supported East Portal shaft where it will be retrieved and facilities and a flushing mechanism will be included in the build-out.
- Three intermediate shafts are included in the scope of works: a 11ft (3.3m) diameter shaft will be a drilled excavation and secant piles are proposed for support of the 26ft (8m) and 40ft (12m) diameter shafts.
- The project includes a 600ft x 8ft diameter microtunnel (182m x 2.4m) underneath the Ship Canal and three conveyance projects will divert CSO flows to the tunnel. Construction of these elements will include electrical and HVAC vaults, odor control facilities and CSO outfall diversion structures.
- Construction activities will be in dense urban commercial and industrial areas primarily in the right-of-way and on Seattle Public Utilities property.
- For more details, visit the project website, download
the attached pdf and contact Cynthia Blazina, SPU Project Manager, Tel: 206 684 5080, email:
Earlier project procurement notices
BART to San Jose general engineering consultant information forum
- The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) is constructing its second extension of the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) regional commuter rail system to San Jose.
Fig 1. Route of the underground BART extension to San Jose
- The $4.7 billion, 6 mile (10km) long extension with four new stations includes a 5-mile tunnel through the downtown area of San Jose, rising to the surface at each end.
- A general engineering consultant information forum is organized by the project owner VTA for:
Date: 15 May 2018 Location: San Jose Convention Center
408 Almaden Blvd, San Jose, CaliforniaDoors open: 9:00am Presentation: 10:00am Q and A: 11:00am Networking: 11:30am - Register online to attend the forum.
- Register with VTA to receive the RFP solicitation information.
- ADA and language accommodation
If you require an interpreter, including sign language services, or other accommodations for this meeting, please email Download
a pdf flyer of the event.
Lesotho Highlands engineering Panel of Experts invitation
- The Lesotho Highlands Development Authority is currently recruiting for members to serve on the Engineering Panel of Experts for Phase II of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project.
Site of Phase II Polihali Dam
- Elements of the Phase II scope includes a concrete-faced rockfill dam of 165m high, a 38km long water transfer tunnel, a road bridge of more than 500m long and 100m high, and all associated enabling infrastructure including roads, power supply, telecommunications, site establishment, operators facilities.
- The engineering Panel of Experts will be required to independently verify, determine and assure that all the physical components of the Project are designed and constructed to provide the most functional, economical and cost effective structures, consistent with internationally recognised standards.
- Specialists in the disciplines and design and construction of major bridges, concrete faced rockfill dams, tunneling and tunnel structures for water and hydropower projects; geology and geotechnical engineering; mechanical and electrical engineering for water and hydropower projects; and construction and contract law for major civil engineering projects are invited to apply.
- Applications close on 19 March 2018.
- For more details, Download
the attached pdf
Submit expressions of interest as an electronic pdf file attachment on an email to Highlands Phase II in design - TunnelTalk, February 2018
California WaterFix Industry Day
- Managers of the California WaterFix mega tunneling project in the USA are to hold an industry outreach day on Wednesday 6 December 2017 at the Sheraton Grand Sacramento, 1230 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 from 9:00am to 12:00pm and with doors opening at 8:30am.
- The purpose of the free to attend event is to learn more about the engineering design, construction and other business opportunities associated with building the estimated US$16 billion WaterFix project that comprises some 73 miles (117km) of large diameter TBM-bored segmentally-lined tunnels to secure water conveyance beneath the delta area of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of the San Francisco Bay in Northern California.
Development history of the WaterFix project
- Consultants, contractors and other interested businesses are invited to the event to learn about procurement and contracting opportunities associated with the major water infrastructure project. The event program will include an overview of proposed infrastructure elements which will include new intake structures, forebays and pumping stations; project organization and schedule, including timing of various RFPs/RFQs; and small business enterprise and disabled veterans business enterprise opportunities.
- Registration to attend is required and by the deadline of Friday, 1 December 2017.
- Register on-line at
References:California WaterFix clears State planning process - TunnelTalk, July 2017
MWD approves its share of WaterFix funding - TunnelTalk, October 2017

Metro Vancouver contractor outreach event
- Metro Vancouver, the regional water and wastewater authority for the greater metropolitan region of Vancouver city in British Columbia, Canada, is progressing a major Stage 5 expansion of its Annacis Island Wastewater Treatment Plant in the city of Delta and adjacent to the Fraser River.
- As part of these improvements a new sewage outfall is being built to accommodate greater capacity, improve effluent dispersion into the river, and allow for continued operation after a seismic event.
- To facilitate procurement of this new tunneling project, Metro Vancouver has scheduled a contractor outreach event with a live webcast of the event for those who cannot attend in person.
Aerial view: Annacis Island treatment plant
- Project Description: New outfall to convey and diffuse up to 25.3m3/s of treated wastewater from the Annacis Island Wastewater Treatment plant to Fraser River.
Project includes:
- A 1,200m of 4.2m i.d. tunnel at 40m below ground in soft ground conditions supported by a 250mm-thick precast concrete segmental lining;
- Three on-land shafts, one at 16m i.d. and two at 7m i.d.;
- Approximately 240m of 2.5m diameter diffuser manifold pipe buried in the river bed complete with 24 diffuser ports, each with flexible duck-bill check valves;
- An in-river riser shaft of about 3.8m diameter to connect the deep tunnel to the diffuser manifold built within an anticipated temporary cofferdam supported by king and sheet piles.
- Visit the Metro Vancouver website for updates and further information that provides a project overview, the pre-qualification process, procurement process, insurance/bonding requirements, regulatory requirements/constraints, and the project’s procurement and construction schedule.
For questions and/or to register to attend the outreach event, contact:
Gary Mui, Buyer, Metro Vancouver
Tel: +1 778-452-2660
Email: - About Metro Vancouver: The authority is a federation of 21 municipalities, one electoral area and one treaty First Nation that collaboratively plans for and delivers regional-scale services. Its core services are drinking water, wastewater treatment and solid waste management. Metro Vancouver also regulates air quality, plans for urban growth, manages a regional parks system and provides affordable housing. The regional district is governed by a Board of Directors of elected officials from each local authority.
What: | Contractor information session regarding the Metro Vancouver Annacis Outfall Project |
When: | April 3, 2017 from 9:30 to 11:30am |
Where: | Metro Vancouver Head Office, Second Floor Board Room 4330 Kingsway, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada |
Live webcast service |
Request for Qualifications – Construction and Construction Management
Los Angeles County Effluent Outfall Tunnel Project - Requests for qualification for the construction and construction management service for the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant Effluent Outfall Tunnel Project in Los Angeles County, California, USA are formally invited.
- Project Scope: Construction of approximately 7 miles of 18ft i.d. precast concrete segmentally lined tunnel from a single heading with a pressurized face TBM and all appurtenant works.
- Owner: County Sanitation District No 2 of Los Angeles County
- Prequalification - Contractor:
All bidders on the Project must be prequalified prior to submitting a bid. It is mandatory that all contractors who intend to submit a bid fully complete the prequalification questionnaire, provide all materials requested, and be approved by the District to be included on the final qualified bidders list. No bid will be accepted from a contractor that has failed to comply with these requirements. The last date to submit a fully completed package is February 28, 2017 at 3:00pm Pacific Standard Time. -
Contact Kelly Lewis to obtain the prequalification package:
Tel: +1 562 908 4288, ext 1608
Contact Calvin Jin with queries regarding the prequalification package:
Tel: +1 562 908 4288, ext 1601
Email: - The bidding phase of the project will be determined following contractor prequalification.
- Prequalification - Construction Management:
The District is seeking an engineering consultant to provide construction management services for the construction of the Project. The consultant will provide key engineering and inspection staff to supplement the District’s Field Engineering Section to manage all aspects of the tunneling construction. Interested firms should reply to the Request for Qualifications with a Statement of Qualification that must be received no later than 11:00am Pacific Standard Time on January 31, 2017. -
Contact Kelly Lewis to obtain the RFQ package:
Tel: +1 562 908 4288, ext 1608
Contact Russ Vakharia with questions regarding the Construction Management RFQ package:
Tel: Tel: +1 310 830 8050, ext 5820
Email: - The request for proposals for construction management services will be determined following the consultant prequalification phase.