Femarnbelt link design safety contract 30 Jan 2013
Femern A/S News Release
RINA Services/SINTEF consortium is selected for the contract to assess and verify the operational safety of the Femarnbelt rail project between Rødby in Denmark and Puttgarden in Germany until the 18km immersed tube link opens.
Femarnbelt link alignment

Femarnbelt link alignment

The task assigned to the consortium is to ensure that the Danish and German authorities grant their permission for train operations on the estimated €5.5 billion subsea rail link between the two countries. Once completed, the immersed tube crossing will be the longest of its kind in the world.
RINA Services and SINTEF will examine and assess the design and planning of the tunnel's rail system as well as all Femern A/S rail safety and risk management strategies. The consortium is hired as an impartial body whose aim is to ensure that Femern A/S's safety measures gain approval from the relevant authorities.
"We are re looking forward to working with RINA Services and SINTEF, who will monitor our work closely until the link opens," said Johnny Restrup-Sørensen, Director of the Rail Department at Femern A/S. "I am certain that they will rapidly bring significant benefits to the project."
RINA, an Italian company based in Genoa, is one of the world's oldest certification bodies, whose activities date back to 1861. It employs about 2,100 people globally. In 2011, the company's turnover totalled €250 million.
SINTEF is Scandinavia's largest independent research company. Headquartered in Trondheim, it also employs about 2,100 people worldwide. In 2011 it had a turnover of €375 million.
The Danish Transport Authority has approved RINA Services and SINTEF to take on the task. The consortium won the contract in competition with four other pre-qualified bidders. The contract is a framework agreement and runs until the railway is commissioned. The expected date for this is 2021.
The latest contract award comes a week after Femern A/S prequalified nine global consortia for the four major immersed tube construction contracts. Prequalification for these is expected to take until the Spring, after which the tender process will begin.
Global interest in Femarnbelt prequalification - TunnelTalk, January 2013
Political backing to Denmark-Germany link - TunnelTalk, February 2011
Cost comparison for Femarnbelt link options - TunnelTalk, November 2010
Deep geological data on Fehmarn Link - TunnelTalk, May 2011
Innovations for the Fehmarnbelt tunnel option - TunnelTalk, May 2010
Femern Bælt fixed link options - TunnelTalk, June 2009

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