Global interest in Femarnbelt prequalification Jan 2013
Femern A/S News Release
Twenty-four companies organised into nine joint ventures have successfully applied to prequalify for construction of the €5.5 billon (2008 estimate) Femarnbelt immersed tube road and rail crossing between Denmark and Germany.
Femarnbelt immersed tube connects Germany and Denmark

Femarnbelt immersed tube connects Germany and Denmark

The nine groups come from Denmark, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and South Korea with companies from the UK and USA also associated with some of the nine groups.
Following the end of the prequalification application period, Femern A/S has now prepared an initial overview of the international construction industry's interest in the four main civil engineering contracts for the project. The interested companies had until last Friday (18 January 2013) to submit their application documents. Each joint venture can apply for prequalification for more than one of the four main construction contracts, and JVs can win more than one contract.
"We're very satisfied with the response," said Steen Lykke, Technical Director, Femern A/S. "As this project represents one of civil engineering's largest tunnel structures, we need the world's best construction companies. Having received a sufficient number of applications, and bearing in mind that a joint venture or firm can apply for more than one contract, I'm optimistic that we'll be able to prequalify a suitable number of professional and experienced contractors on each contract."
Femern A/S will now evaluate the applications in detail and then decide which companies will be prequalified and consequently invited to submit bids. Lykke said: "As the selection of prequalified companies requires the utmost care and attention, the process will take a couple of months. After all we're talking about contracts worth billions of euros. Once we've announced the prequalified companies in the Spring of 2013, the tender process will begin.
The four civil engineering contracts for the coast-to-coast link are:
• Dredging of the seabed and land reclamation;
• Construction of the northern section of the tunnel;
• Construction of the southern section of the tunnel, and;
• Construction of the portal structures, ramps and associated land facilities
  • Immersed tube cross section

    Immersed tube cross section

  • Tunnel portal on the Denmark side

    Tunnel portal on the Denmark side

Final project approval will be effected by the Danish Parliament's adoption of a Construction Act by the end of 2014. In Germany it is expected that the authorities will approve the project in 2015.
Once constructed, the Femarnbelt Link, at just under 18km long, will be the world's longest immersed tube crossing. About 15.5 million m3 of dredging is needed to form the trench at up to 43m below sea level. A planned 89 elements of 217m long x 8.9m high x 42.2m wide and weighing 73,500 tonne would carry the road and rail link across the strait with 10 special elements placed at 1.8km intervals. The construction period is expected to take six-and-a-half years, with a start date planned for 2015.
Political backing to Denmark-Germany link - TunnelTalk, February 2011
Cost comparison for Femarnbelt link options - TunnelTalk, November 2010
Deep geological data on Fehmarn Link - TunnelTalk, May 2011
Innovations for the Fehmarnbelt tunnel option - TunnelTalk, May 2010
Femern Bælt fixed link options - TunnelTalk, June 2009

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