Breakthrough celebrations in Buenos Aires
Sep 2010
Shani Wallis, TunnelTalk
- On Monday this week (September 20, 2010) Ghella achieved breakthrough on the first drive on its Arroyo Maldonado flood relief tunnels contract in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Breakthrough celebrations in Buenos Aires
- The 7.9m diameter Lovat EPBM emerged after completing the first leg of the 14.4km long network designed to alleviate flooding in Villa Crespo and Palermo districts of the city. A second Lovat machine is also working on the scheme.
- The two 7.9m diameter soft ground TBMs were purchased by Ghella in early 2008. They are equipped with soft ground ripper and scraper teeth to drive through a variety of soils ranging from fine-grained to coarse-grained soils. The alignment lies below the groundwater table that rises to between 17m and 27m above the tunnel inverts. The main drainage tunnels will receive flow from local drainage systems above via three derivation structures and will direct flow by gravity to an open channel outfall structure into the Rio de la Plata.
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