• Muhlhauser
RETC program to monitor trends and activity Jun 2011
Shani Wallis, TunnelTalk
After a year of rationalization and regrouping, the North American tunneling industry is preparing for a catch-up and debrief at the RETC session that starts next week in San Francisco. As one of the prime events in the international conference calendar and despite reports of tight economic conditions, organizers of this RETC are anticipating a larger event than the last in 2009 RETC in Las Vegas. TunnelTalk takes a look at the program highlights and includes a list of the exhibitors with an interactive locator that will find their stands on the floorplan.
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With its particular focus on the practical side of tunneling, RETC every two years is an opportunity for the tunneling industry of North America to discuss the issues that are exercising current interest, set an agenda of projects for the coming two years, and explore new innovations and developments in best practice. As with previous events, the SME sponsors and organizers indicate that this year’s event in San Francisco will again top expectations. The exhibition hall of 152 booths sold out in record time and the early registration numbers predict more than the 1,373 delegates that attended the 2009 session in Las Vegas.
SME - Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration

Construction Institute of ASCE

NAT 2012 – June 24 -27
Indianapolis, Indiana
RETC 2013 - June 23 - 26
Washington, DC
NAT 2014 – June 8 - 11
Los Angeles, California
RETC 2015 – June 7 - 10
New Orleans, Louisiana
If you are heading to the City by the Bay, there is a program of events and technical sessions to keep you busy for the full four days starting on Sunday 19 with a wide choice of alternatives. At the venue there are two full day short courses – one organized by Levent Ozdemir on the operation of large diameter TBMs and the other convened by Ray Henn on the use of grouting to control ground water and improve ground condition. In the lecture halls, two technical sessions, one following the other, will discuss contracting practices and costs in the morning, with references in papers to Seattle's mega Alaskan Way replacement TBM bored tunnel and design-build estimating from the bottom up, and a forum in the afternoon dedicated to the concerns of owners on topics that include scheduling, risk management, different procurement models, and a set of case histories to explain lessons learned.
Also on Sunday is the first of two organized field trips to the roadheader excavation of the New Irvington water supply tunnel by the Southland/Tutor Perini JV for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.
The second field trip on Wednesday afternoon is to the Sunnydale auxiliary sewer project where an EPBM is working through a variety of ground types to build CSO tunnel under rail tracks, buried utilities, and the ten-lane Highway 101.
The technical program of presentations when it starts on Monday morning at 8.30am sharp, comprises four simultaneous session, each of five or six papers. Over the course of two and half days to Wednesday noon, 20 sessions will discuss various themes including SEM/NATM excavation; coping with difficult ground conditions; design and planning; water and gas control; ground support and final linings; shaft sinking; microtunneling; and a full session dedicated to Environmental, Health and Safety. Another full session focuses on tunneling projects in Bay Area specifically and includes presentations on shaft design and construction considerations for the first ever bored tunnel under the Bay for then Hetch Hetchy water supply network upgrade for the SFPUC and specific concerns for progress of the new Central Subway light rail extension under San Francisco’s downtown area.
RETC Executive Committee

Chair: Dave Rogstad, Frontier Kemper
Vice Chair: Red Robinson, Shannon & Wilson Inc
John Townsend, Hatch Mott MacDonald
John Hutton, S. McNally Intl.
Michael Traylor, Traylor Brothers Inc.
Gary Almeraris, Skanska USA
Victor Romero Jacobs Associates
Bill Mariucci, Kiewit Construction
Steve Redmond, Frontier Kemper
Chris Dixon, The Port Authority of NY and New Jersey
Michael DiPonio, Jay Dee Contractors, Inc.
RETC International Committee

Australia: Ted Nye, Mott MacDonald
Austria: Christian Neumann, Beton-und Monierbau
Canada: Rick Lovat, L2 Advisors Inc.
England: Ross Dimmock, Normet-TAM International
France: Jean-Claude Amet, Vinci Construction
Germany: Klaus Rieker, Wayss & Freytag AG
Italy: Remo Grandori, SELI
Mexico: Roberto Gonzalez, Moldequipo
New Zealand: Siegfried Keis, Consultant
Spain: Enrique Gonzales, Dragados SA
Sweden: Stig Eriksson, Skanska
Switzerland: Frederic Chavan, Marti Contractors

Monday, June 20
5.00pm - 7.00pm
(Including hosted reception)

Tuesday, June 21
11.00am - 2.00pm
Including hosted lunch 11.30am - 1.00pm
4.00pm - 6.00pm
(Including hosted reception)

Wednesday, June 22
9.00am - Noon
In between attending the sessions and networking along the corridors during coffee breaks - where conversation will certainly include discussion about the recent acquisition of Frontier Kemper by Tutor Perini and procurement of the mega EPBM by the Dragados-Tutor Perini JV for the Alaskan Way bored highway tunnel project in Seattle (perhaps RETC will be the selected occasion for official announcement of the supply contract) - there is also the schedule of social functions. These include the welcoming luncheon on Monday; the sister organization's UCA of SME Breakfast on Tuesday morning; the RETC Dinner on Tuesday evening; and the hosted receptions in the exhibition hall on Monday and Tuesday evening.


1. Alaskan Way bored tunnel contract award - TunnelTalk, Jan 2011
2. New Irvington Tunnel award - TunnelTalk, July 2010
3. New Sunnydale sewer to avert floods - TunnelTalk, Feb 2010
4. Bay Tunnel mobilization (video report) - TunnelCast, Sept 2010
5. Central Subway bid result - TunnelTalk, June 2011
6. Tutor Perini buys Frontier Kemper - TunnelTalk, June 2011
Exhibition covers all market movers
As well as the major equipment suppliers, among them Atlas Copco, Robbins, Herrenknecht, Sandvik, and Caterpillar, amid the filled exhibition hall are booths for the leading consulting engineering practices, including Jacobs Associates, Arup, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Halcrow, and URS and the full range of industry suppliers are represented including the not so familiar Cambria Association for Blind & Handicapped and Ballard Diving & Salvage Hyperbaric. Our list of exhibitors below includes an interactive location facility. To avoid the long searches for the company you are looking for, click on the stand number in the list to find exactly where it is on the floorplan.
TunnelTalk looks forward to meeting old friends and new during the course of another busy RETC. See you there!
RETC 2011 List of Exhibitors - click on the booth number to find their location on the floorplan
Company Booth Number Company Booth Number
ABC Industries, Inc 621 Jennmar Corp 412
ABC Ventilation Systems 511 Kaydon Corp Bearings Division 104
AECOM 315 Laborers-Employers Cooperation and Edu Trust L4
Agru America, Inc 202 Layne GeoConstruction  717
Akkerman Inc 113 Line Power  119
Allentown Shotcrete Technology, Inc 316 Maccaferri Inc 207
Alpine Sales & Rental Corp 505 Malcolm Drilling Co Inc 413
Amberg Engineering 208 McDowell Brothers Industries 712
Amberg Technologies AG 206 Messinger Bearings 612
American Chemical Technologies, Inc 307 MIDASoft Inc 513
Anderson Drilling 611 Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc 606
Antraquip Corp 409 MineARC Systems 613
Arup 617 Mining Equipment Ltd 306
Atkins North America 111 Mining Technologies International Inc (MTI) 619
Atlas Copco CMT - USA, Inc 215 Minova North America 221
Avanti International 600 Moretrench 102
Babendererde Engineers, LLC 417 MWH Global 507
Ballard Diving and Salvage Hyperbaric SPPT 200 Naylor Pipe Co 106
Baroid Industrial Drilling Products 100 Nicholson Construction Co 219
BASF Construction Chemicals LLC 401 Normet Americas, Inc 204
Becker Wholesale Mine Supply, LLC 112 Orica USA Inc 103
Bekaert Corp 509 P&H MinePro-Continental Conveyor 107
Boart Longyear E&I Drilling Services 105 Pacchiosi Drill USA, Inc 608
Brookville Equipment Corp 404 Palmieri USA L8
C2PM L3 Parsons 716
Cambria County Assn for Blind & Handicapped (CAB) 318 Paul C. Rizzo Associates, Inc 408
Caterpillar Tunneling Canada Corp 319 PB Americas 301
CDM 303 Permalok Corporation 609
Cellular Concrete Solutions, LLC 721 Phoenix Dichtungstechnik GmbH 506
ChemGrout, Inc 703 Potti Corp USA, LLC 514
Condon-Johnson & Associates Inc 720 Power Curbers Inc L15
Cosella-Dorken Products Inc L2 QSP Packers, LLC 707
Crux Subsurface, Inc L12 Rasa Corp 312
CTS Cement Manufacturing Corp L7 Rocscience, Inc L3
Daigh Co, Inc 503 Ruen Drilling, Inc 406
David R. Klug & Associates Inc 706 S&B Industrial Minerals North America Inc 710
DeNeef Construction Chemicals 711 Sandvik Mining and Construction 516
Derrick Equipment Co 508 Schauenburg - CFT Compact Filter Tech 501
Dibit Measuring Technique 310 SELI SPA 118
DSI Underground Systems/American Com Div 601 Shannon & Wilson, Inc 520
Elasto Plastic Concrete 518 Shotcrete Technologies, Inc 414
Everest Equipment Co 209 Shurjoint Piping Products 512
Fibercon International, Inc 110 Sika Corporation 314
Geocomp Corp 311 SIREG S P A 714
GEODATA Group 602 Stirling Lloyd Products, Inc 615
Geokon, Inc 510 Surecrete Inc 607
GeoTesting Express, Inc 313 tacs gmbh 610
Gregg Drilling and Testing, Inc  415 TAM International Inc 211
Halcrow 411 Team Mixing Technologies, Inc 604
Halfen Anchoring Systems L6 Technical Tunnelling Components LTD (TTC) 718
Hatch Mott MacDonald 320 Tensar International Corp L16
Hayward Baker Inc 108 Texcel Monitoring Solutions L1
Heintzmann Corp 400 The Euclid Chemical Co 116
Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems USA, Inc  201 The Re-Systems Group, Americas L14
HIC Fibers, Inc 101 The Robbins Co 519
Hobas Pipe USA 212 The University of Texas at Austin 421
Hughes Brothers Inc 114 Towill, Inc 210
ILF Consultants, Inc 309 URS Corp 419
Irwin Car and Equipment 213 VMT (USA) Technical Measurement Solutions Inc 407
Jacobs Associates 214 W. R. Grace & Co 305
Jacobs Engineering L5 Williams Form Engineering Corp 410

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