New Irvington Tunnel award
Jul 2010
SFPUC News Release
- SFPUC, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, has awarded a $226.6 million contract for the New Irvington Tunnel Project to a joint venture of Southland Contracting of Fort Worth, Texas, and Tutor Perini Corporation of Sylmar, California. Southland/Tutor Perini's bid was the lowest of four and some $26.6 million below the SFPUC's Engineers' original estimate.
Finish of the conventional excavation includes steel lining where necessary
- Designed to provide a seismically upgraded connection between water supplies from the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Alameda Watershed to Bay Area water distribution systems, the new tunnel is 3.5 miles (5.6km) and has an internal diameter of 8.5ft to 10.5ft (2.6-3.2m). It will run parallel to the existing tunnel between the Sunol Valley, south of Highway I-680, and Fremont, California.
- Construction on the specified roadheader and drill+blast conventional tunneling operation is expected to begin in September 2010 with completion anticipated in early 2014. A notice to proceed (NTP) next week on the 19th of July will be start of construction submittals ahead of a ground breaking NTP in about late August.
- Once complete, the New Irvington Tunnel will provide the enhanced ability to deliver water reliably to customers after an earthquake while allowing the SFPUC to take the existing tunnel out of service for much needed maintenance and repair.
- The New Irvington Tunnel Project is a key part of the SFPUC’s $4.6 billion Water System Improvement Program (WSIP) to repair, replace, and seismically upgrade the aging Hetch Hetchy Water System. WSIP includes more than 80 projects spanning seven counties from the Central Valley to Downtown San Francisco. To date, more than $1 billion in projects have reached construction.
- New Irvington Tunnel bid result, San Francisco - TunnelTalk, April 2010
Water tunnels to recharge aging system - TunnelTalk, Sep 2009
Crystal Springs Bypass Tunnel awarded - TunnelTalk, Oct 2008
Fierce competition creates slimmest of margins for Bay Tunnel contract - TunnelTalk, Nov 2009
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