BTS celebrates James Clark's legacy
Sep 2011
Shani Wallis, TunnelTalk
- It was a group of elite British tunnellers who gathered in the Brunel Room at One Great George Street in London this week to celebrate 30 years of the BTS James Clark Medal awards.
- Lunch was hosted at the Institution of Civil Engineers by the British Tunnelling Society Chairman and Committee to bring together those recognised through the years as having made outstanding contributions to tunnelling and to UK tunnelling projects.
14 recipients of the James Clark Medal attended the lunch: (Back, left to right) Roger Remmington, Terry Mellors, Ged Pakes, Colin Mackenzie, Maurice Gooderham, Donald Lamont MBE, Oliver Bevan, Alan Dyke
(Front, left to right) Rodney Craig, Gordon Ince, Denis Lawrenson, Martin Knights, John Barlett OBE, Myles O'Reilly
- The James Clark Medal was introduced in 1981 as a legacy to the memory of James Clark who worked for Charles Brand & Sons and helped establish the BTS. When he died in his early 60s, Madeline, his wife, bequeathed a sum of money to the Society to provide a medal, annually, in James' memory.
Medal recipients with the current BTS Committee Chairman and members
- The medal has been awarded to a total 31 recipients, three of them posthumously. On Thursday this week (15 September 2011) 14 recipients joined the luncheon celebrations. Another five were unable to attend, and sadly seven have died since receiving their awards.
- A recipient of the 2012 Medal is currently under review by the current Committee members and will be awarded at the BTS annual general meeting in May next year. A list of Medal recipients and their specially recognised achievement is on the BTS website, as is a list of the current Committee members.
- The full line-up for the picture of Committee members and medal winners will be confirmed next week.
BTS recognition for Terry Mellors - TunnelTalk, May 2011
Martin Knights honoured with BTS award - TunnelTalk, June 2010
Sir Alan Muir Wood 1921–2009 - TunnelTalk, Obituary
Tommy Talbott 1932–2011 - TunnelTalk, Obituary
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