BTS recognition for Terry Mellors May 2011
BTS recognition for Terry Mellors May 2011
Shani Wallis, TunnelTallk
- In recognition of services to the national and international tunnelling industries in the fields of risk management and insurance coverage of projects, Dr Terry Mellors is nominated and selected as this year's recipient of the British Tunnelling Society's James Clark Medal. Dr Terry Mellors is recipient of this year's British Tunnelling Society James Clark Medal.
Terry Mellors receives the 2011 medal from Chairman Bob Ibell
- Awarded to those who have contributed in an outstanding way to the advancement of a major tunnelling project or an area of expertise, Mellors was instrumental in restoring the working relationship between following a string of high profile collapses that caused heavy financial losses for insurance firms and underwriters. Through his work as chairman of the tunnelling industry committee towards preparation of the Joint Code of Practice for Risk Management of Tunnel Works in the UK with the Association of British Insurers, Mellors played a leading roll in recovering the industry from a position of being almost uninsurable after record high payouts associated with the Hearthrow Express Rail Link station tunnel downfall, the Hull sewer tunnel failure in the UK and the Nichol Highway open cut metro station collapse in Singapore, among several other high value claims in the 1990s and early 2000s.
- The Joint Code of Practice (JCoP) established a procedure for risk management and control that has been adopted almost universally as the foundation on which tunnelling projects are today covered against accidental losses and cost overruns caused by events beyond the control of the project's management team. With a high percentage of insurance coverage negotiated with underwriters based in the UK, an international version of the Code soon followed release of the UK version in 2003.
- From his work on the Code, Mellors has developed a career in his consultancy practice as a representative of the insurers to visit tunnelling projects regularly and to monitor the risk management procedures and their compliance complies with the recommendations of the Joint Code of Practice. The Hallandsås railway tunnel project in Sweden and the Marmary immersed tube crossing of the Bosphorus in Turkey are just two of many large and challenging tunnelling projects around the world that Mellors is the insurance representative for. In recent years, the principals of the Code have been revised and adapted to heavy civil engineering works outside the field of tunnelling and this in another way identifies Mellors as highly deserving of the recognition. His work, with others, on the original JCoP working group has changed the way the insurance community deals not only with the tunnelling industry but also into the international field of heavy construction.
- Mellors in a long serving member of the BTS and was its chairman from 1999 to 2001. He has a degree in Civil Engineering, an MSc in Engineering Geology, and a PhD in Engineering Geology, all from Imperial College London and remains actively involved with working groups that continue their efforts to expand the use of the JCoP and its principles through the international tunnelling industry and now into other areas of heavy civil engineering and construction. He has also been a member of several Dispute Resolution Boards, most recently on the successful DRB that recommended settlement to claims associated with the Dublin Port Tunnel highway in Ireland.
- The award was announced at the BTS meeting this week (Thursday evening 19 May) but as Mellors was away overseas visiting projects in Brazil and in the United States in his capacity as representative of the project, and official presentation of the award and the medal itself is being arranged for a future date.
Counting the cost of collapses - TunnelTalk, Aug 2010
Hallandsås celebrates breakthrough of the first tube - TunnelTalk, Aug 2010
DRB success for Dublin Port Tunnel - TunnelTalk, Aug 2010
- British Tunnelling Society - Joint Code of Practice for Risk Management of Tunnel Works in the UK
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