Five JVs vie for Hudson River crossing
Five JVs vie for Hudson River crossing Jan 2010
Paula Wallis, TunnelTalk
Five joint ventures are looking to secure the final design and construction contact for the Hudson River Tunnels, the third tunneling contract in the $8.7 billion commuter rail tunnel from New Jersey into an expanded Penn Station in New York City. The five JV’s are:

New Jersey-New York rail route

• Shea/Schiavone/ Kenny Construction JV
• SA Healy/CCA/Halmar (ARC Contractors)
• FCC Construction/Beton and Monierbau/Ferreira Construction
• OHL/Tully
• Skanska USA/Traylor Bros/VINCI Construction
The five prospective bidders met Monday’s deadline (January 25) to submit a special pre-qualification questionnaire demonstrating technical expertise and experience on similar types of projects. The multi-step procurement process includes a prequalification phase, followed by technical proposals, and finally an invitation for bids from qualifying contractors.
The Hudson River tunnels of the ARC (Access to the Regions Core) project will extend about 7,300ft (2,225m) under the river starting at the Hoboken Shaft in New Jersey, and ending at the Twelfth Avenue Shaft, in Manhattan. The twin TBM-bored tubes will cross about 110ft (33.5m) below the river. The contract also includes the design and construction of nine cross passages connecting the two tunnels at specific locations.
This week New Jersey Transit also posted on its website the preliminary project documents for the New York Penn Station Expansion (NYPSE) cavern excavation contract under 34th Street on its website. According to documents, the work includes “excavation and initial support for the Warrington Interlocking Cavern; shafts at Dyer Avenue, 33rd Street and 35th Street; a ventilation cavern and adit at Dyer Avenue; and the approach, ancillary and station cavern for the NYPSE complex beneath 34th Street. The NYPSE station cavern is more than 1,600ft long x 100ft wide and 90ft tall (488m x 30m x 27m). Also included is excavation and temporary support of two cross passages, four ADA access shafts and utility, access and escalator tunnels.”
Last month, New Jersey Transit awarded Barnard/Judlau JV the $583 million contract for the Manhattan Tunnels that will extend the twin tubes about one mile from the Twelfth Avenue Shaft into the new Penn Station Expansion.
Also last month, Schiavone-Shea-Skanska-JV submitted the lowest bid of roughly $259 million for the Palisades Tunnels contract. The twin tunnels run about 5,200ft (1585m) through the hard rock of the New Jersey Palisades to the Hoboken access shaft near the Hudson River. New Jersey Transit hopes to award that contact in the coming weeks. Meanwhile bids for the Hudson Tunnels contract won’t be due until September of this year.
Manhattan Tunnels awarded - TunnelTalk, Dec 2009
Strong competition for first ARC contract - TunnelTalk, Nov 2009
ARC prepares Hudson Tunnels contract - TunnelTalk, Oct 2009
ARC contract update - TunnelTalk, July 2009
First ARC contract advertised - video - TunnelTalk, May 2009
Access to the Regions Core - video - TunnelTalk, Feb 2009
East Side Access optimizations - TunnelTalk, Aug 2008
ARC contractor information

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