ARC contracts update
ARC contracts update Jul 2009
New Jersey Transit will soon announce the pre-qualified contractors for the 2nd of three major tunneling contracts for the Trans-Hudson rail tunnel or ARC (Access to the Regions Core). Wednesday, July 2 2009 was the deadline for contractors to submit prequalification documents for the Palisades Tunnels contract in New Jersey.


The Palisades Tunnels is the second of three tunnel contracts for the massive $8.7 billion project. The design, build contract, with an estimated $250 million value, will include Bored tunnels running through the Palisades hard rock to the Hoboken access shaft. The twin tunnels will be approximately 5,200ft long, and will have a finished inside diameter of about 24ft 6in.
On June 10, 2009 New Jersey Transit announced that the following three JV’s had pre-qualified for the project’s first contract, the estimated $500 million Manhattan Tunnels contract.
1. Barnard of New Jersey and Judlau Contracting Inc., Joint Venture
2. Shea/Schiavone/Skanska, Joint Venture
3. ARC Constructors - a Joint Venture of S.A. Healy Company and CCA Civil/Halmar International LLC
The Contract, with an estimated value of $500 million, includes construction of 160ft diameter shaft approximately 160ft deep using slurry wall construction, 19,000ft of TBM bored tunnels through hard rock (4 tunnels), 5 cross passages, cavern construction of Warrington Interlocking plus utility and sitework. The pre-qualified contractors have until September 22, 2009 to submit their bids.
Running roughly 150ft below the surface the tunnels will extend approximately 5,200ft from the shaft at Twelfth Avenue and 28th Street in Manhattan. The two tunnels will proceed diagonally northeast, and split into four tunnels within two cavern structures beneath the two NYC blocks bounded by the intersections of 28th and 29th Streets and Eleventh and Twelfth Avenues. The four tunnels turn eastward at the intersection of Eighth Avenue and 34th Street and run directly below 34th Street through the future NY Penn Station Expansion (NYPSE) cavern to Sixth Avenue.
The Hudson Tunnel Contract with an estimated value of $500 million is the third and final tunnel contract and includes 7,500ft of soft ground tunnels under the Hudson River. The pre-qualification process is expected to begin later this year.
A variety of construction methods will be employed to advance the entire 3.7 mile project, including tunnel-boring machines, rock mining, sequential excavation, and cut-and-cover. The rail line is anticipated to be in service in 2017.
Manhattan Tunnels Contract advertised May 2009


The Manhattan Tunnels Contract is the first of three major design-build contracts to hit the streets for the new rail tunnel under the Hudson River between New Jersey and New York, also known as Access to the Regions Core (ARC) and the Trans-Hudson Express (THE) Tunnel Project.
The contract, with an estimated value of $500 million, includes construction of a 160ft diameter x 160ft deep shaft using slurry wall construction, excavation of 19,000ft of TBM bored tunnels through hard rock ( four tunnel drives), five cross passages, a cavern construction of the Warrington Interlocking, plus utility and sitework.
Running roughly 150ft below the surface, the tunnels will extend about 5,200ft from the shaft at Twelfth Avenue and 28th Street in

ARC contracts

Manhattan. The two tunnels will proceed diagonally northeast, and split into four tunnels within two cavern structures beneath the two New York City blocks bounded by the intersections of 28th and 29th Streets and Eleventh and Twelfth Avenues. The four tunnels turn eastward at the intersection of Eighth Avenue and 34th Street and run directly below 34th Street through the future New York Penn Station Expansion (NYPSE) cavern to Sixth Avenue.
Sealed bids will be received by New Jersey Transit’s Procurement Department until 2pm on September 22, 2009, then publicly read aloud for the final design and construction of the Manhattan Tunnels portion of the project.

Invitation for bids is a two-phase process with the first being the prequalification of contractors. The second phase will consist of two steps: the submission of a technical proposal followed by the submission of a firm fixed-price fixed-price bid.
The procurement process for the remaining two tunneling contracts is scheduled to begin this year. The Palisades Tunnel Contract, with an estimated value of $250 million, includes about 5,200ft of twin-bored tunnels under the New Jersey Palisades. The Hudson Tunnel Contract, with an estimated value of $500 million, includes 7,500ft of soft ground tunnels under the Hudson River.
The entire rail project, with some 3.7 miles of tunnels, is anticipated to cost $8.7 billion dollars and be in service by 2018.
Access to the Regions Core - video - TunnelTalk, Feb 2009
ARC contractor information


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