Shani Wallis and Binda Punj, TunnelTalk
- By mid-week, many thousands of visitors had streamed through the gates to the grounds of the largest construction equipment show on earth where more than 3,400 exhibitors from 57 countries were prepared to introduce them to new products and negotiate new business. With another four days to go, bauma 2013 remains on target to break all records for visitors and exhibitors at the fair. The energy is palpable and the programme for anyone attending is packed.
- In addition to the vast areas of indoor and outdoor exhibit spaces, ranging from small booths to large impressive displays for real equipment and live demonstration of heavy machine tools and construction units, there were seminars each day at the Forum in Hall C2, special sessions to promote training and education of new recruits to the construction industry, awards to be presented, and magazines, marketing literature and the ubiquitous promo giveaways, to be distributed and collected.
Crowds throng the exhibits on display
- Last time around a giant ash cloud resulting from the volcanic eruption in Iceland closed much of European air space at exactly the same time as thousands of visitors were due to attend bauma 2010. Following that disappointment, which significantly affected the numbers of visitors and exhibitors, a successful and uninterrupted bauma 2013 was needed - and it certainly delivered.
- For those in the tunnelling industry it is a particularly productive time. With tunnelling and underground space at the centre of most influential public infrastructure projects around the world, major machine manufacturers and materials suppliers have much on offer to attract the attentions of the kind of high-ranking government officials and construction company bosses who were well represented among the visitors. From tunnel construction for road and rail transportation, metro systems, water supply and energy investments, to flood control and sewerage networks, bauma is the perfect opportunity to promote new developments, meet new potential clients, and confirm new orders.
Herrenknecht exhibits its award-winning Pipe Express system at bauma
- Among the TBM and drill+blast equipment manufacturers and tunnelling equipment and materials suppliers, the following is some of the news gathered so far by TunnelTalk.
- • Herrenknecht won the bauma Innovation Award for its Pipe Express machine that completely transforms the tradition method of pipelaying, narrowing substantially the corridor normally required and presenting a faster, more environmentally friendly and more economical method of installation. All parts of the Herrenknecht domain are represented at the large stand in Hall C3 - from the VMT guidance systems to the large diameter specials and the microtunnelling units - as well as on the outdoor stand where the Pipe Express machine is on display.
- • Robbins confirmed the order for a new hard rock TBM of about 7m diameter for a hydroproject in Norway, the first new TBM for that country in more than 20 years. An official signing of the contract with members of Norwegian contractor LNS will take place on Friday on the stand in Hall C2. Visitors and customers from across the world, including the USA, India, Singapore, South America and Russia, visited the Robbins team.
- • Aker Wirth presented its Mobile Tunnel Miner that combines the flexibility of a roadheader with the robustness of a TBM. The machine, which is self-propelled and moves on a crawler and a walking mechanism, excavating rock with six powerful hydraulically operated arms fitted with disc cutters, is currently being tested in a real working environment Australia.
- • Caterpillar has its customary impressive stand of heavy earthmoving equipment but its new TBM manufacturing division, headquartered in Toronto, Canada, was conspicuous by its absence from the display. The company's UK tunnelling representative was at the fair and working in halls where most of the tunneling-specific exhibitors are located.
Aker Wirth Mobile Tunnel Miner is being tested in Australia
- • Meyco had a stand of its own for the first time at this year's bauma and is sharing it with representatives of its new owner Atlas Copco and with members of the BASF team who will continue to work in the three partner agreement on the chemical requirements for top quality mixes for the Meyco range of shotcreting units.
- • Doka introduced a new formwork system, DokaCC, for fast, efficient and safe construction of cut-and-cover tunnels. A V-strut shoring arrangement allows the formwork to be deployed on any type of foundation. Its geometrical independence permits it to be adapted to different shapes and cross sections along a cut-and-cover tunnel route.
- • Normet has on display its new Spraymec range of shotcreting robots. Also on the stand is a set of D-Bolt rockbolts and rock anchors as produced by its most recent acquisition, DRS. Members of its TAM subsidiary are available to discuss developments in its range of concrete and shotcrete additives.
A new flexible formwork from Doka for cut-and-cover tunnels
- • Derrick, the manufacturer of high quality screening and separation plants in the USA, has several units on display and confirmed its commitment to supply of components to slurry separation plants for large diameter slurry TBM operations as well as the microtunnelling industry.
- • TPH Bausysteme GmbH presents its various products for joint sealing, injection technology, concrete redevelopment and provides information on a number of current tunnelling and foundation engineering projects which are taking advantage of its specialist materials and systems.
- An entire hall is devoted to Think Big! an extensive programme designed to promote jobs and careers in the construction and machinery sectors among young people aged 13-18. The display includes a variety of cranes, graders and excavator simulators, CAD workplaces and stations where youngsters can work on dismantling and reassembling engines and engage in live experiments. A part of the hall and programme is dedicated to a Workshop Live where trainees and their supervisors work in small groups on machinery, using different tools and equipment and where presenters ask young students about their lives and career choices.
- At the Forum, TunnelTalk has attended conference presentations that focus on the construction activity and infrastructure plans for countries in different parts of the world.
Inspiration for new recruits to the industry
- • On Wednesday, the 2013 bauma Partner Country, Indonesia, described a tremendous need for investment in projects to improve the connectivity of the nation across its many islands, and to improve the welfare and standards of living among its population of 234 million.
- • On Tuesday, a panel of representatives from Brazil presented the country's plans for massive infrastructure investment to expand its energy supply and prepare urban centres for the hosting of the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro and the Soccer World Cup tournament in 2014. The message given was that a balance must be restored between advancing construction of vital projects and the activities of environmental protection groups and watch-dogs that are imposing obstacles that cause delay, cancellation and lost investment, with the citizens of Brazil being the ultimate and long-term losers.
- • On Monday the sub-Saharan region of Africa was in the spotlight with presentations from the Consul of South Africa in Germany confirming an announcement by President Zuma for an investment of more than 800 billion Rand in identified infrastructure and energy projects over the next three to five years. Government officials from other countries in the region, including Botswana, Nigeria and Congo, reported major investments for the development of their infrastructure. It was an opportunity also to introduce the premier bauma Africa event that is to be staged in Johannesburg in September of this year. The event is set to attract international and local exhibitors and visitors from across the region in much larger numbers than initially expected.
The South African Consul invites all to bauma Africa in September
- Other countries and economic areas of the world, including India, Latin America, Mongolia and the Philippines, gave presentations at the Forum about the current status and future plans for their construction industries and infrastructure needs. Copies of the presentations are available on the official bauma 2013 website.
- These are just some of the news items collected by TunnelTalk during a first three days in which its two representatives visited as many exhibits and companies as possible. There will be more news to follow and TunnelTalk will be maintaining its presence throughout the fair.
- The location of each of the tunnel exhibitors on the vast showground can be found on our interactive Exhibition floorplan below, and more details can be found on the company websites which are accessed with a click on the company logos.
- In addition to meeting with company representatives on stands and distributing our latest Annual Review of all the news published on the TunnelTalk internet magazine during 2012, there were visitors from across the globe, including from the USA, Australia, Malaysia, India and China to bump into, meet and greet on the long walks from hall to hall and across the vast outdoor showground, as well as on the packed U-Bahn trains to and from the fair and the crowded restaurants and streets fof Munich city centre that all contribute to the very special bauma experience.
- Thanks is extended to the hosts and marketing representatives of the tunnel industry exhibitors who took the time to meet with us and also to the bauma media team in the very well organised Press Centre where so many of the press congregated to make use of the complimentary internet connection, refreshments, lockers and workstations. We all look forward to 2016 when there will be more to report and manage from bauma Munich.
bauma prepares to break all records - TunnelTalk, February 2013
bauma goes on despite volcano disruption - TunnelTalk, April 2010
Examining the global project league - TunnelTalk, January 2012
Tunnels lead the way in world top-100 projects - TunnelTalk, July 2011
Indonesia outlines its infrastructure ambition - TunnelTalk, April 2013
BASF sells Meyco division to Atlas Copco - TunnelTalk, December 2012
Collaborating for sprayed concrete innovation - TunnelTalk, April 2013
TBM giants dominate bauma awards - TunnelTalk, March 2013
TunnelTalk Annual Review of 2012 print edition out now - TunnelTalk, April 2013
Interactive Floorplan
Impressions of the bauma experience
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