WTC 2014 Exhibition preview Mar 2014
TunnelTalk reporting
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All stands at the WTC2014 Exhibition are filled, with organisers of this year’s event at Iguassu Falls in Brazil reporting that more space had to be made available to meet record demand.
A total of 96 exhibitors representing all aspects of the tunnel construction industry, as well as firms representing the supply industries that service it, will be showcasing their specialist products and services at the Bourbon Cataratas Convention and Spa Resort.
Unlike Geneva last time around (2013), the exhibition space and lecture halls at this year’s event are set across a single level, meaning that delegates can navigate easily between the exhibition and technical presentation areas. Access to the adjacent Latin America Infrastructure Hall is, appropriately, via a connecting tunnel walkway.
Use the TunnelTalk interactive booth locator to navigate quickly and easily to the stands of your choice. Simply click on the relevant booth number from the list of companies in the panel on the right, and a more detailed hall layout plan, giving that company’s exact location at the exhibition, will pop out. Clicking on the company logo will take you straight to that firm’s website where you can gather further information about their specialist products and services. A full list of exhibitors is given below.
TunnelTalk will be in Brazil and we look forward to seeing you there.

List of confirmed exhibitors at the WTC2014 event

Company Name
Abyo S.A
AFTES Plant Equipment Branch
Alphageos Tecnologia Aplicada S/A
Amberg Group
Asserc Representações e Comércio Ltda.
Atlas Copco Rock Drills
Atlas Copco
Babendererde Engineers
Basf Construction Europe AG
Bekaert NV
Brasfond Fundações Especiais
Bureau de Projetos
CJC Engenharia de Projetos
Coba Consultores p/ Obras, Barragens e Planejamento Ltda
Consórcio Construtor Rio Barra
Consórcio Linha 4 Sul
Constran - Construções e Comércio
Construções e Comércio Camargo Correia
Construtora Andrade Gutierrez
Construtora Norberto Odebrecht S/A
Costa Fortuna Fundações e Construções Ltda
CBE Group S.A.S
CPB Concreto Projetado
CTES - Chile / CDT
Dextra Building Products CO, Ltda
DMT GmbH & Co. KG
Encardio-Rite Electronics PVT. Ltd.
EPC – Elasto Plastic Concrete Brasil
EPL - Empresa de Planejamento e Logística S.A.
Fama spa
FiberSensing, Sistema Avançado de Monitorização S.A
Forta Corporation
Fugro in Situ Geotecnia Ltda.
Fundsolo Serviços Geotécnicos e Fundações
GeoCompany Tecnologia, Enga e Meio Ambiente
Geoconsult Holding 2T GmbH
Geocontrol do Brasil Ltda
GEODATA Engineering S.p.A
Geotecnia e Fundações Este
Goecke GmbH & Co. KG
Herrenknecht AG
HIC Corporation
HLT Equipamentos Especiais (Altkon)
Incotep Ind. Com. De Tubos de Precisão Ltda
Company Name
Industrias Y Servicios "El Tigre" S.A
Inno Trans
J.Dantas S/A/ Engenharia e Construções
Kosteel Co., Ltd.
Krozai Aprimoramento Profissional
Maccaferri do Brasil
Marti Holding AG
MC Bauchemie Brasil
NFM Technologies
Normet International Ltd.
Novatecna Consolidações e Construções
Palmieri SPA
Palmieri - Technomine
Pavemetrics Systems Inc.
Pedra Branca Escavações Ltda
Penetron Brasil Ltda.
Pires & Giovanetti Enga e Arquitetura
Promat Internacional NV
Propex do Brasil Ltda.
Putzmeister Ibérica
Sandvik Mining and Construction
SETEC Hidrobrasileira Obras e Projetos
Sidrasul Sistemas Hidráulicos Ltda
Smarttech Tecnologia
SPS Consulting Tunnel Innovations
Strukton Immersion Projects bv
Subterra Ingeniería Limitada
Talleres Zitron, S.A
Technical Tunnelling Components Limited
Tecnogeo Engenharia e Fundações Ltda
The Norwegian Tunneling Society NFF
The Robbins Company
Toniolo, Busnello S.A.
Torcisão Industrial
TPH Bausysteme GmbH
Tünelcilik Dernegi – Turkish Tunnelling Society
T.R.E Esse Engineering S.r.L/ROCKSOIL
Trelleborg Ridderkerk BV
Trevigeos Fundaçções Especiais Ltda.
Wacker Chemie AG
WTC2014 website hotlinks
Switzerland rolls out the WTC red carpet - TunnelTalk, April 2013

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