
Solutions for safer public transport 14 Sep 2016

ITA COSUF News Release

“Since the first activities of the Committee on Operational Safety of Underground Facilities, safety and security of public transportation systems are counted among the core tasks,” said COSUF Secretary General Ben van den Horn. “We organise regular meetings and events which are platforms for professionals from all over the world to discuss the latest developments and to network with our colleagues.”

ITA COSUF was established in May 2005 following a joint initiative of eight European research projects all aimed at improving tunnel safety. In the last seven years COSUF has gathered among its members some of the most recognised experts, scientists and operators from all corners of the globe. It consists of approximately 80 corporate member organisations and companies from 25 different countries. The World Road Association PIARC also supports ITA COSUF. The Committee focuses on the operational safety and security in tunnels and other underground facilities and aims to share technical information and knowledge. More information about ITA COSUF and its membership can be found on its website at http://www.ita-cosuf.org

The main topics of events organised by ITA COSUF always reflect the latest developments. Experts in the field present case studies and report on projects and include job site visits or on-site presentations. The latest successful meeting was the Tunnel Safety Officers Forum held in Rotterdam in March 2016, where more than 50 experts participated.

The next workshop takes place in Helsinki in cooperation with the Finnish Transport Agency. Operating Road and Rail Tunnels in Helsinki will be the main topic of the two-day event, to be held on 25-26 October. Participants will discuss the latest tunnelling developments and will visit the city’s new metro line. The workshop is for members only, but guests interested in COSUF membership are also invited. COSUF can be joined as a corporate member or as an individual member. Membership of the ITA is not obligatory.

Delegates will visit Helsinki’s new metro line
Delegates will visit Helsinki’s new metro line

ITA COSUF organises every year a minimum two meetings or workshops. During the workshops several presentations on safety aspects of metro systems and rail tunnel safety are given. The presentations are also available for download on the COSUF website at www.ita-cosuf.org.

With these regular events the underground public transport community may find an opportunity to network and exchange knowledge on safety and security aspects. “ITA COSUF is a very unique platform for communication on operational safety and security in underground facilities. We are the first choice network to help the public transport sector to meet all players in the field, exchange their views and share their experience," said Chairman Dr Roland Leucker.


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