ITA COSUF organises October workshop in Helsinki 07 Jul 2016

ITA COSUF News Release

ITA COSUF is to hold a members’ workshop offering the opportunity for meetings of the Steering Board and Activity Groups, as well as its General Assembly.

The workshop is held in cooperation with the Finnish Transport Agency. 'Operating Road and Rail Tunnels in Helsinki' will be the main topic of the two-day event, to be held in Helsinki on 25-26 October. Information will be presented about the latest tunnelling developments in Helsinki and participants are invited to visit the city’s new metro line.

The Airport Metro Station of the new Helsinki Metro
The Airport Metro Station of the new Helsinki Metro

The first day will be filled with the Steering Board meeting and the meetings of the four Activity Groups. Every member of ITA COSUF is welcome to join one of the Activity Groups to bring in the benefit of their experience and knowledge. The topics of the Activity Groups are: Interaction with European and International Activities (AG 1), Regulations and Best Practice (AG 2), Research and New Findings (AG 3) and Road Tunnel Safety Officers (AG 4). The second day will start with the General Assembly and the presentation of the ITA COSUF Award for 2016. The winner will have the opportunity to present his or her work in the field of tunnel safety.

During the technical presentations the Finnish Road Administration will give an overview of its role and its underground facilities, as well as giving details of ongoing underground construction works in Helsinki and the Traffic Control Center. The Länsimetro, with its 13 new metro stations and 21km of new tunnels that is currently under construction, will also be featured. Participants will have the chance to visit the Traffic Control Center and the new Helsinki Metro Line works.

The workshop is for members only, but those wishing to attend can join COSUF, either as a corporate member or as an individual member. Membership of the ITA is not obligatory.

COSUF was established in May 2005 following a joint initiative of eight European research projects all aimed at improving tunnel safety. In the last seven years COSUF has gathered among its members some of the most recognised experts, scientists and operators from all corners of the globe. The Committee scope is safety in the operation and security in tunnels and other underground facilities. ITA-COSUF aims at improving and promoting safety and security underground through networking activities and dissemination of technical culture and new knowledge.


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