Rome awards Metro extension contract
Rome awards Metro extension contract Feb 2010
SELI news release
A second contract is signed between SELI and JV Salini Costruttori - Tecnimont for excavation of a new section of the B1 Metro line extension in Rome, between Conca d'Oro and Jonio stations. The contract includes excavation of a 950m-long tunnel that includes a crossing of the 150m-long Jonio station.

Line B1 in Rome Metro masterplan

A 9.79m diameter Herrenknecht EPBM will be employed to drive the tunnel from the Conca D'Oro station box and erect the precast concrete segmental lining. Each 40cm-thick x 1.4m long ring comprises seven segments and a key for an i.d. of 8.65m.
The geological formation along the alignment comprises river deposits consisting of gravel in a silty sand matrix that is characterized by poor geotechnical properties and with a groundwater table some 17m above the tunnel crown.
The new contract between SELI and Salini-Tecnimont JV comes soon after breakthrough in December last year of the first of two, 6.76m diameter EPBM drives between Conca D'Oro station and Gondar Station with breakthrough of the parallel twin tube drive due shortly. Awarded to SELI in early 2008, the €50 million subcontract covers construction of the 3km section of twin running tunnels lined with 35cm-thick precast concrete segments in a 6+1 Universal design arrangement. The two EPBM systems on that contract are also supplied by Herrenknecht with designed input by SELI and with Continental Conveyors supplying the continuous conveyor and vertical access shaft conveyor muck hauling systems.
The Herrenknecht TBM for the new contract is expected to reach the job site by the end of 2010 for an excavation start at the begin of April 2011.
Rome Metro adds more underground route - TunnelTalk Dec 2009

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