Seattle Northgate LRT Link bid result 31 May 2013
ST News Release
The JCM Northlink JV of Jay Dee/Collucio/Michaels emerged as the apparent low bidder when six bids were opened for the 3.4 miles (5.5km) of twin tube light rail tunnelling for extension north of the Seattle Sound Transit LRT from the University of Washington and to the Northgate Mall.
Sound Transit's LRT route north

Sound Transit's LRT route north

At US$440.3 million, the bid was close in value to four of the five competing bids and all six bids were well below the Engineer's Estimate of $594 million. The list of the competing bids is:
• Shea/Kenny - $443.5 million
• Southland FCC - $464.7 million
• Dragados - $464.8 million
• TFK (Traylor, Frontier Kemper) - $465.5 million
• Healy - $517 million
JCM submitted the bid for the Northgate Link after recently completing excavation of the light rail tunnels between downtown Seattle and Capitol Hill Station as part of the University U-Link project.
"We are very pleased with the competitive response from the contracting community on this important contract for the Agency that could save taxpayers millions of dollars," said Ahmad Fazel, Sound Transit Executive Director of Design, Engineering and Construction Management.
Sound Transit will now evaluate the bids to determine the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. This process ensures that the low bidder meets all contract requirements. After that has been determined, staff will bring a recommendation to the Sound Transit Board to award the design-bid-build contract in late July. Construction work is then scheduled to begin late this year (2013) and take a little more than four years to complete.
The contract is the largest single piece of work on the US$2.1 billion Northgate Link Extension project. In addition to the twin tunnels, it includes excavating the underground stations in the Roosevelt and U District neighborhoods.
Sound Transit set a goal of eight percent of the contract amount to be performed by small businesses and four percent to be performed by disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE).
The winning contractor will launch two tunnel boring machines from the Roosevelt Station site to excavate the tunnels to the U District Station and on to the University of Washington Station at Husky Stadium. A third tunnel boring machine will be launched from the Maple Leaf Portal near NE 94th Street and will bore two tunnels, one after the other, to the Roosevelt station. The work is scheduled to begin late this year and last just over four years.
Different Sound Transit contractors began preparing the Roosevelt Station site last summer and recently began demolition of existing buildings at the U District station site.
The Northgate Link project is scheduled to open in 2021 and will connect with the University Link tunnels to downtown Seattle. The University Link section is scheduled to open in 2016.
The Northgate Link Extension is a key part of the regional mass transit system approved by voters in 2008. The line will provide a fast, reliable option for commuters through one of the region's most congested traffic areas.
Most of the line will be underground, with the track transitioning to the surface at a tunnel portal site along I-5 at about NE 94th Street. The above-ground light rail guideway will travel alongside I-5 before crossing over First Avenue NE, south of NE 100th Street, and connecting to the elevated Northgate Station.
When the Northgate Link Extension opens in 2021, it will be part of the 36 miles of new light rail lines running north, east and south from Seattle and is expected to add more than 60,000 daily boardings to the system by 2030. A ride from Northgate to downtown will take about 15 minutes.
Source website

Construction management for Northgate LRT - TunnelTalk, November 2012
Seattle pushes on with LRT extensions - TunnelTalk, August 2012
Success in Seattle as TBM holes through - TunnelTalk, March 2012
Seattle LRT breakthroughs - TunnelTalk, November 2011
Owner's approach to Seattle's U-Link extension - TunnelTalk, July 2010

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