Laser scanning is vital for successful tunnel construction. After each tunnel advance, a detailed as-built analysis of the bare rock is required. To obtain and process this data Amberg have produced and recently updated a comprehensive software solution which allows efficient and cost-effective observation and evaluation of the tunnel structure.
Amberg Tunnelscan and Amberg Navigator allow users to record the geometry and image of the entire tunnel structure during each construction phase, determine areas of under and overbreak and calculate excavation quantities, check the conformity of undulation of the tunnel surface layer, undertake complete profile checks, non-destructive layer thickness measurements, surface quality checks, and produce scaled image documents.
The recently released update to Amberg Tunnelscan includes a new more flexible positioning method for scans using checkerboards and sphere targets as the points of reference. (image 2)
Also included is new undulation analysis; The surface of the shotcrete should be smooth and even and steel elements such as reinforcement bars, steel girders and the heads of rock bolts should be detected, removed or covered with shotcrete before the waterproofing membrane system is installed. Amberg Tunnel Undulation analysis detects anomalies in the surface. (image 3)
Updates to Amberg Tunnel Navigator include powerful new 3D editors for stationing and section based tasks. Now viewable in 3D instead of just side or top views this will help operators gather higher definition data during particularly complex tasks. (images 4 and 5)
New to Amberg Tunnel General are editors for theoretical profile, theoretical section, block definition and transverse slope. (images 6 and 7)