Driving progress on Moscow metro
11 Jun 2013
Robbins News Release
- The first of three Robbins EPBMs excavating the Moscow Metro is through in the Russian capital city.
SK Most crew celebrates breakthrough
- The machine, launched in winter 2012, achieved a milestone best daily advance of 37.8m in April. Best weekly performance was 150m, and best monthly rate was 621m.
- "The soil condition, crew experience, rigorous schedule, continuous conveyor, and the reliability of the Robbins TBM are all factors that helped achieve record progress," said Vadim Bocharov of contractor SK Most. Robbins Field Service has also been at the site to assist in training the crew in proper operation and maintenance of the TBM, which has variable frequency drives. "We can operate the power, thrust, and torque at 100%, because that is the benefit of a Robbins machine," explained Bocharov.
- The machine will now be disassembled in the reception shaft and launched on an additional 1.4km tunnel in the last quarter of 2013.
- The machine is one of several Robbins EPBs working on Moscow's massive metro project. Dozens of TBMs from a variety of manufacturers are operating simultaneously. Two 6.6m diameter Robbins EPBs are excavating left and right-hand tunnels, each 2km in length, for contractor Engeocom. A third machine refurbished by Robbins for Engeocom, is also excavating a 2km section of tunnel. The machines represent the first time Robbins EPBs have been used in Russia.
- Ground conditions in the city are challenging and consist of fine sand, gravel, loam, stiff clays and boulders. The EPBs are designed for the conditions, with active articulation to enable excavation of tighter curves without the risk of segment deformation. Two-component backfilling is being used to reduce the risk of settlement at the densely urban tunnel sites. Mixed ground cutterheads reinforced with abrasion-resistant wear plate give the option of changing out carbide knife-edge bits with 17in disc cutters, depending on the conditions.
- Moscow's Metro Development Program, unveiled in 2012 by the Moscow Government, calls for the construction of 150km of new metro lines within the next eight years. Work thus far has been around the clock, with close to 18,000 workers and specialists engaged in the projects. This number is expected to reach 35,000 by the end of 2013. In 2012 alone, 50km of new rail were built at 69 different sites.
TBMs mobilize for Moscow metro extensions - TunnelTalk, November 2012
NFM to build EPBM for Moscow metro - TunnelTalk, June 2012
Top down EPBM escalator drives - TunnelTalk, February 2001
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