Final breakthroughs for Seli in Milan
31 Jul 2013
TunnelTalk reporting
- Two TBMs manufactured and operated by Italian company Seli have completed their current excavations works on the Line 5 metro extension project in Milan.
TBM breathrough at the Senisio Station
- The two EPBMs of 6.79m diameter were operated by Seli on behalf of the Astaldi/Ansaldo Breda/ATM/Alstrom JV and recorded their final breakthroughs at the Pozzo Orafi Station at TreTorrion Saturday 15 June and Friday 26 July respectively.
- Excavation began in November 2012 at the Monumentale Station and progressed for a length of 1,930m, passing through the three intermediate stations of Cenisio, Gerusalemme and Domodossola.
- The final breakthrough of TBM S-238 on 26 July concludes Seli's current excavation works for the Milan Metro project. The two TBMs broke through on the third of four drives at Domodossola Station on 4 May and 20 May respectively. TBM1 was relaunched for its final 370m drive on 29 May (2013) and TBM2 restartedin mid-June.
- In total Selihas completed 2.2km of twin running tunnels between Monumental Station and Tre Torri as part of an overall US$1.2 billion 6.7km LRT metro extension to Line 5 between Garibaldi and San Siro. The geology encountered along the alignment consisted of fluvio-glacial deposits and gravel in a sandy matrix.
- The eastbound drives for the Line 5 extension between San Siro and Tre Torre are being completed using two additional TBMs. The total 10-station extension is expected to be completed and in service in time for EXPO 2015.
- A feasibility study for a further 6.3km Line 5 extension between Bignami and Monza has been completed, while 9.7km and 14.8km extensions are planned for Lines 2 and 3 respectively.
Closing in on final breakthroughs in Milan - TunnelTalk, June 2013
Pushing ahead with Milan metro Line 5 - TunnelTalk, March 2013
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