By the start of this month, the last two of eight civil engineering contracts for the Grand Paris Express Line 15 South were awarded by owner Societe du Grand Paris. As the first construction phase of the Le Grand Paris project, the total value of civil contracts on this new 33km underground route of the Paris Metro, linking Pont-de-Sèvres to Noisy-Champs (Fig 1), is €3.7 billion.
By the end of this year (2017), 41 construction sites will have been established along the 33km route, 4,000 people will be working on this first new metro line of Paris Grand Express programme, and the first of the 10 TBMs to be used on Line 15 South will have started excavation from the Champigny Station working acces, explained Philippe Yvin, Director of Société du Grand Paris. “The Grand Paris project is also a growth-enhancing project with 20% in each contract required to ensure involvement of small and medium enterprises.”
Also in July, Supervisory Board of the Société du Grand Paris secured a second €1 billion loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB). Faced with annual financing needs, which will reach €2 billion per year by 2018, the company is pursuing its policy of seeking funding from additional institutional partners to add to the €1 billion loan agreed with the Caisse des Dépots savings fund in July 2015 and a similar contract for another €1 billion with the EIB secured in April 2016.
The last two contracts awarded and all other contracts on the Line 15 South project and their dates of award are:
Scope: Civil works for the Noisy-Champs underground interchange station that will connect Metro Lines 15, 16 and 11 and the city’s RER A regional express line. A 370m-long cut-and-cover tunnel in front of the station is included in the contract to accommodate local traffic.
Contractor: A joint venture led by Vinci Construction with Dodin Campenon Bernard, Spie Batignolles TPCI, Botte Fondations and Spie Fondations.
Award value: €156 million
Scope: Construction of two underground stations and a 4km bored tunnel between Isle-de-Monsieur and Fort d'Issy-Vanves-Clamart.
Contractor: A consortium led by Bouygues Travaux Publics with Soletanche Bachy France, Soletanche Bachy Tunnels, Bessac and Sade
Award value: €513 million
Scope: 7.2km of bored tunnel between Créteil l'Échat and Bry-Villiers-Champigny Stations using two TBMs launched from both ends of the section and included is construction of the Saint-Maur-Créteil, Champigny Center and Bry-Villiers-Champigny Stations.
Contractor: A JV of Eiffage Génie Civil (leader) and Razel-Bec
Award value: €795 million
Scope: An 8km-long x 8.7m diameter bored tunnel between Issy-Vanves-Clamart and Villejuif-Louis-Aragon Stations employing two TBMs. Also included is construction of five stations – Châtillon-Montrouge, Bagneux, Arcueil-Cachan, Villejuif Institut Gustave-Roussy and Villejuif Louis-Aragon – and a TBM launch shaft.
Contractor: A consortium of Vinci Construction Grands Projets (leader), Spie Batignolles TPCI, Dodin Campenon Bernard, Vinci Construction France, Spie Foundations and Botte Foundations
Award value: €926 million
Scope: A 6.6km x 8.7m diamter tunnel and a 1.1km x 6.7m diameter tunnel from Villejuif Louis-Aragon to Créteil I’Échat station including four stations and a launch shaft for two TBMs.
Contractor: A consortium comprising Bouygues Travaux Publics (leader), Soletanche Bachy France, Soletanche Bachy Tunnels, Bessac and Sade.
Award value: A €807 million
Scope: A 4.7km-long bored tunnel between Noisy-Champs and Bry-Villiers-Champigny stations plus construction of two TBM access shafts and a 2.2km-long maintenance tunnel.
Contractor: A JV comprising Demathieu Bard Construction (leader), NGE Civil Engineering, GTS, Guintoli, Impresa Pizzarotti, Implénia, Franki Foundations Belgium and Atlas Foundations.
Award value: A €363 million
Scope: Construction of the rear of Noisy-Champs Station including a crossover tunnel section to allow trains to reverse at the end of Line 15 South and construction of a TBM access shaft for Line 16.
Contractor: A consortium of Léon Grosse Travaux Publics (leader), Parenge and Dacquin.
Award value: €51 million Awarded to
Scope: The Issy-Vanves-Clamart Fort Station
Contractor: A consortium comprising Bouygues Travaux Publics (leader), Soletanche Bachy France, Soletanche Bachy Pieux and Soletanche Bachy Tunnels.
Award value: €66 million.