ITA-CET course to focus on power generation
20 Mar 2014
TunnelTalk reporting
- The traditional two-day training course for graduate students and young engineers, held at the beginning of each WTC gathering, will this year focus on the subject of Tunnels for Energy, considering the increasing demand for underground works related to the production, storage and transportation of energy.
- The ITACET-run course comprises 16 hours of classes, delivered by globally renowned professionals and experts in these related topics, and aims to contribute to enhancing the education, and updating the knowledge, of graduate students and young professionals. The large number of underground hydroelectric schemes in operation and under construction in Brazil, and the significant increase forecast in oil production due to the recent discovery of significant reserves in the country, were the reasons behind the selection of the topic.
Tunnels for Energy is training course theme
- Day 1 (Friday 9 May) will be devoted to a general overview of rock tunnels (investigation, geomechanical features and modeling, and design and construction methods) and to tunnels for hydroelectric projects, with the emphasis on pressure tunnels (in situ stress, design criteria in terms of stresses and permeability during construction, operation and rapid withdrawal, construction schemes and logistics). The session will end with presentations of case histories.
- Day 2 (Saturday 10 May) will cover tunnels for transportation and storage of hydrocarbon products. The first part will discuss design criteria for transportation tunnels for hydrocarbon products, mainly focusing on duct schemes and maintenance, and extreme loading considerations in case of fire and explosion. There will also be a general lecture on petroleum engineering involving well drilling and stability.
- The last session will deal with large caverns for hydrocarbon storage, mainly on matters of design criteria and construction methods, including technical solutions applied to salt rocks. Caverns for powerhouses will also be discussed and case histories presented.
- The course will be held in English, but a simultaneous translation service into Portuguese will be available. Registration fees are R$850, or R$650 for students.
Fri 9 May - Session 1
(Basic concepts of rock tunnels and hydro schemes)8.30 Site investigations for rock tunnels 9.20 Geotechnical and design aspects of rock tunnels 10.10 Coffee break 10.40 Conception and typical schemes of hydroprojects (Cases) 11.30 Design criteria of pressure tunnels 12.20 Discussion Fri 9 May - Session 2
(Pressure tunnels, shafts and caverns)2.00 Construction experience on long and steep inclined pressure tunnels 2.50 Conventional excavation of rock tunnels: equipment and technology 3.40 Coffee break 4.10 Construction and logistics of shafts 5.00 Case studies on mechanized rock tunnelling 5.50 Discussion -
Sat 10 May - Session 3
(Pressure tunnels and tunnels for hydrocarbons)8.30 Case study 1 - Niagara Falls pressure tunnels 9.20 Lessons learnt from pressure tunnels 10.10 Coffee break 10.40 Case studies on ground improvement of rock tunnels and caverns 11.30 Tunnels for hydrocarbons 12.20 Discussion Sat 10 May - Session 4
(Caverns and storage)2.00 Cavern conception, modelling and design 2.50 Case-histories and lessons learnt from hydro caverns 3.40 Coffee break 4.10 Alternative underground energy production and storage 5.00 Storage caverns in salt formations 5.50 Discussion
WTC2014 Brazil
ITACET training course attracts global audience - TunnelTalk, , May 2012
ITACET Foundation responds to urgent training needs - TunnelCast, December 2010
Attracting young engineers to Enter the Underground - TunnelTalk, August 2012
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