Crossrail seeks bids for tunnel fit out
Sep 2011
Crossrail News Release
- Crossrail has started the process of letting a £400 million contract to fit out the 21km of twin bore tunnels to be built under London.
- A contract notice has been placed in the Official Journal of the European Union seeking expressions of interest for procurement and installation of 40km of track, more than 50 ventilation fans, 40km of walkways, 60 drainage pumps, overhead power cables, as well as 30km of fire mains and lighting throughout the twin tube system.
Tunnelling drives under London
- The contract will be awarded in late 2012, to give the chosen contractor sufficient time to undertake detailed design and planning before fit out work begins in 2014. Expressions of interest are due by November 3 this year (2011). Work can begin as soon as excavation finishes and sections of tunnel are handed over to the M&E installation teams. TBM tunnelling is due to start in Spring next year and finish in 2014.
- Andy Mitchell, Crossrail Programme Director, said: "As the new Crossrail tunnels are completed, work will get under way to fit the tunnels out with the necessary track and overhead power equipment to enable the railway to operate. Such is the scale and complexity of the task it will take several years to complete the fit-out work with people working around the clock to get the job finished."
- When the £14.5 billion Crossrail project opens it will increase London's rail-based transport network capacity by 10% and cut journey times across the city.
Delaying train delivery will "save millions" - TunnelTalk, Sep 2011
Scheduling for success at Crossrail - TunnelTalk, Apr 2011
Crossrail contract awarded tally climbs - TunnelTalk, Apr 2011
Crossrail awards tunnelling contracts - TunnelTalk, Dec 2010
Preparing the ground for Crossrail - TunnelTalk, Aug 2010
Crossrail moves ahead with enabling works - TunnelTalk, March 2010
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