Monitoring contract for Crossrail
Jun 2010
Patrick Reynolds, Freelance Reporter
- UK firm Instrumentation, Testing and Monitoring Ltd (ITM) is awarded a key, project-wide contract on the Crossrail scheme. With several large shafts, new station caverns and more than 40km of 6.2m i.d. running tunnels to be excavated under the heart of London and beneath some of its most iconic and historic landmarks,
Settlement is a critical issue on Crossrail's tunnelled route directly beneath London
- monitoring ground movement and defending against surface settlement is a critical element of the project's risk management and construction process.
- Contract C701 will manage all data produced by monitoring and recording systems throughout the extensive urban tunnelling works and record data gathered by surface monitoring systems as the subsurface works advance.
- Details of the contract value were not immediately available. ITM is based in Essex and worked on the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) project, known as High Speed One.
Interpretation of the geological conditions on the projects tunnelled alignments
- The client has called for a major database system to manage the vast quantities of data that will be generated during construction of a total 21km of twin tube rail tunnelling and five new station caverns beneath London. The Underground Construction Information Management System (UCIMS) is a key part of contract C701 which will store details on a large database and allow for rapid data mining to help real-time monitoring and produce key criteria for fast decision-making.
- Geology along the alignment comprises stiff clay, sandy clay and sandy gravel, sands and clays with subordinated limestone and sandstone, sands and some chalk.
- The main tunnelling works for the £15.9 billion (US$23.3 billion) scheme are divided into three packages - two main lots (C300 and C305) accounting for the majority of the tunnelling under the centre of the city and a smaller third contract (C310) under the Thames in south east London.
- More than £52 million of enabling works contracts has been awarded ahead of main construction getting underway this year and the first TBM due to start in late 2011.
- The specification for the excavation control system on the project is being developed by Arup/Atkins as part of their design contract (C122).
Visitors' Centre at Tottenham Court Road highlights the project's central London location
- On the project, the UCIMS database is to work as a common repository for data from all stakeholders. Under the C701 Instrumentation and Monitoring contract, the UCIMS is to also function as a standardised reporting tool in which the client has full access to data while the other stakeholders - such as contractors, local authorities, utilities owners and commercial organisations - will only get details on their own areas. All parties are to receive overview reports.
- Contractors on the project may also have their own instrumentation and monitoring systems, and databases, but the data must be supplied promptly - automatically possibly - to the client's UCIMS database.
- While the client's central operations base will hold the UCIMS system for the entire project, staff will also be based in local control rooms established by contractors.
Crossrail moves ahead with enabling works - TunnelTalk, March 2010
Shortlist for Crossrail running tunnels contracts - TunnelTalk, Dec 2009
Crossrail launches construction phase - TunnelTalk, Aug 2009
Crossrail planning and mobilization to date - TunnelTalk, July 09, June 09, May 09
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