Second contract for SELI in Panama
COMPANY NEWS Second contract for SELI in Panama Nov 2010
SELI News Release
A 3.24km headrace bored by a new 6.79m diameter EPBM is the centre piece of a new EPC (engineering, procurement, construction) contract awarded to SELI by the joint venture of Panama Power Holdings Inc and Hydro Caisán SA. This is the second EPC contract awarded SELI in Panama following award of the Pando and Monte Lirio project in 2009.

The El Alto project leads on from the Monte Lirio plant

The new contract is part of the El Alto project, which is a new hydropower plant under construction in the Province of Chiriquí, in the district of Renacimiento, near Costa Rica. In addition to excavation and lining of the bored tunnel, the EPC contract, valued at US$46 million includes steel lining of the last 240m of the tunnel and construction of surge tanks, a 368m long penstock, and a piezometric shaft of 96m in height.
As part of the Panamanian JV client, Hydro Caisán SA has a 50-year franchise for the operation of the El Alto hydropower plant. 86.5% of its shares belong to the multinational engineering company Tahal Group International B.V. with headquarters in the Netherlands. Fully owned by the Kardan N.V. Group, Tahal Group International B.V. is one of the leading companies worldwide specialising in water and wastewater systems, hydropower and desalination plants.
The El Alto project, developed by Hydro Caisán, S.A, will be the next hydropower facility downstream of Monte Lirio, the TBM headrace tunnel for which is SELI's first EPC contract in Panama. It includes a reservoir with a 1.14 million m3 storage capacity and its head pond is located at the same elevation as the Monte Lirio tailrace.
The project will supply a total installed capacity of 60 MW and a firm output of 24.7 MW. This, the second EPC TBM tunnel contract awarded to SELI in Panama, the plant is expected to be completed in 2013.
Panama awards hydro scheme TBM drives - TunnelTalk, March 2010
Panama prepares for EPBM deliveries - TunnelTalk, Oct 2010

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