Cincinnati plans deep CSO program
Cincinnati plans deep CSO program Nov 2010
Black & Veatch News Release

CSO plans for Cincinnati

Planning is underway for a $244 million deep tunnel CSO interceptor as part of a multi-billion, multi-year public works program designed to reduce sewer overflows into the local waterways of the city of Cincinnati, Ohio. Black & Veatch is designing the 1.2 mile (2km) Lower Mill Creek Tunnel that could be a part of the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati's Project Groundwork that aims to reduce combined overflows by 85% and eliminate sanitary sewer overflows all together.
The tunnel system with a pump station and an enhanced high-rate treatment facility would reduce combined sewage and stormwater overflows to local waterways and improve the quality of life for the more than 2 million people living in the metropolitan area.
Alternatives or supplements to the tunnel, such as source control solutions, stormwater detention basins, rain gardens and stream separations, are also being explored by the Metropolitan Sewer District.
"Tunnels are an inherently sustainable design method for capturing combined sewer and sanitary sewer overflows," said David Egger, Vice President and Heavy Civil Lead in Black & Veatch's global water business. "The underground option creates fewer disturbances and disruptions to the local community when compared with alternatives."
"Tunnel design and implementation for reducing sewer overflows is a steadily growing practice at Black & Veatch," said Dan McCarthy, President and CEO of Black & Veatch's global water business. "We expect this growth to continue as more cities, both large and small, work to reduce their sewer overflows."

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