Fortaleza awards East Line metro construction 10 Oct 2013
Peter Kenyon, TunnelTalk
12.4km Fortaleza Lina Leste metro alignment

12.4km Fortaleza Lina Leste metro alignment

The Acciona/Centenco Spanish/Brazilian consortium is awarded the civil works and construction package for 12.4km of metro line for Linha Leste (East Line) of the Fortaleza metro in Brazil.
The US$1 billion contract also comprises construction of 10 new metro stations and a remodeling of the Chico da Silva station to enable a connection with the existing Western Line South.
Four 6.92m diameter Robbins TBMs have already been procured by the Brazilian Government ahead of the start of construction work at a contract price of US$58 million. All four have been manufactured at the company's China production facility in Shanghai. The first pair arrived at the coastal city earlier this year; the second pair are currently undergoing factory assembly and testing prior to shipment to Brazil at the end of this year.
According to a statement by the regional government, the Governo do Estado Ceará, the contract with Robbins also includes back-up and a conveyor system, as well as ancillary equipment for production in two factories that have been established to manufacture the concrete segments for the project. Funding for the private-public partnership is coming from a mix of state and central government sources, as well as finance from Caixa Economica Federal.
One of four Robbins 6.92m TBMs for Fortaleza metro

One of four Robbins 6.92m TBMs for Fortaleza metro

Acciona/Centenco beat off four rival bidders who made it past May's prequalification round. They were: Construcap/Copasa; Mendes Junior/Isolux; Metrofor (consisting of Odebrecht and Andrade Gutierrez); and Mobilidade Urbana (consisting of Camargo Corrêa and Queiroz Galvão). The Construcap Copasa-East Line consortium (consiting of CCPS Construcap Engineering Commerce and Sociedad Anonima de Obras y Servicios - Copasa) failed to make it past the prequalification stage.
The new line will feature electric trains, and once complete is expected to carry 400,000 passengers each day.
Four metro EPBMs mark Robbins entry into Brazil - TunnelTalk, August 2013

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