ACCOLADES AND AWARDS São Paolo recognition for tunneling contractor Feb 2012
SELI News Release
A TBM cutterhead at the entrance to the plant of the Brazilian contractor Oderbrecht is a monument to completion by the contractor of Lots 1 and 2 of the new Metro Line 4 for São Paolo Metropolitan and recognition of the work by its tunnelling subcontractor SELI.
  • A momument to good tunneling work

    A momument to good tunneling work

  • Location of the work for Line 4

    Location of the work for Line 4

The plaque along side celebrates the work carried out by SELI technical personnel, engineers and specialized crews for their exemplary work for excavating the running tunnels, which were completed at the end of 2009.
The contract called for excavation of 6.4km of 9.5km diameter running tunnel to connect the stations of Faria Lima and João Teodoro, along Line 4. The Consortium Via Amarela, as the main contractor, was led by Oderbrecht and SELI was in charge of the two-year excavation works for a contract value of nearly €29 million.
For the Italian company, the recognition has special significance as it serves as further confirmation of the quality of its work and symbolizes the trust its clients place in its technical and operational expertise.

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