France to gather the experts at AFTES 03 Sep 2014

AFTES News Release

The world’s foremost specialists in the field of tunnels and underground space will be together in Lyon, France, in October from Monday 13 to Wednesday 15, 2014, and at the impressive Cité Internationale convention centre.

For the 14th event in its triennial series of congresses, AFTES, the French Tunnelling and Underground Space Association, has developed the programme of the conference around the topic Tunnels and Underground Space: Risks and Opportunities.

The three-day event is organized by AFTES in partnership with its sister organisations from Spain (AETOS), Belgium (ABTUS /BVTOS), Switzerland (FGU/GTS), Italy (SIG) and Portugal (CPT), and in collaboration with the International Association of Tunnels and Underground Space (ITA/AITES).

Entrance to the exhibition area
Entrance to the exhibition area

The conference programme is designed to bring together leading international specialists involved in the construction of innovative underground infrastructure including project owners, local authorities, public establishments, public-private partnership teams, architects, urban planners, design consulting firms, engineers, consulting and inspection organisations, Grandes Ecoles, research and educational institutions, construction companies, contractors and suppliers. All disciplines involved in the construction and operation of underground infrastructure will be represented.

An exhibition of more than 200 stands across a 5,000m2 exhibition area, offers an opportunity to examine and research the latest in technological innovation and the details of new regional projects in the underground construction sector.

Many much-awaited events are planned throughout the congress:

Technical presentations

The aim of the Congress is to bring together the most recent contributions across an entire profession successfully working to concurrently manage all forms of risk and develop underground infrastructure opportunities. Simultaneous translation will be provided from French to English and from English to French for all congress sessions.

Industry exhibition

The showcase will facilitate discussion and interaction between experts and visitors to more than 200 booths in the exhibition area. Opening hours are Monday 9am to 7pm, Tuesday 8am to 7pm and Wednesday 8am to 6pm. The Agora discussion area in the exhibition area has it own programme of activities and session (see Table 1).

Table 1. Conference schedule and topics
Topic A
Design and coordination of tunnels and other underground construction projects
Section A1 Tunnels in an urban environment
Session A11 Feedback from the sites
Session A12 Major Parisian projects: the near future
Section A2 Design and Contracting
Session A21 Controlled designs
Session A23 Towards a win-win contracting process
Section A3 Feedbacks from TBM and large cavern works
Session A31 TBMs
Session A32 Large caverns
Topic B
Technological progress and innovations
Section B1 Innovations in respect of boring machines
Section B2 Innovations in respect of other aspects of underground construction
Topic C
Development of uses for underground space
Section C1 Innovations in uses for underground space
Section C2 The Underground City
Section C3 Optimisation of underground spaces
Topic D
Managing underground infrastructures
Section D1 Sustainable infrastructures
Section D2 Flagship renovation sites

Round tables discussions

Prominent figures from the political and technical community will be invited to take part in discussion and debate around the topics sharing know-how and training in underground professions and knowledge and improved use of underground space. A special welcome will be extended to local authorities so that they can become aware of the benefits and issues connected with underground infrastructures.

Agora forum in the exhibition area
Agora forum in the exhibition area

Specialist training seminar

A seminar on Wednesday afternoon from 13.30-16.15pm will explore the issues of managing risk in underground structures. In addition to an introduction to the challenges and approach in respect to risk management, the principles of contractualising risks will also be discussed.

Technical site visits

A series of technical visits to different sites will be offered alongside the convention, including to the ‘soft modes’ tunnel of the Croix-Rousse at the Gallo-Roman Museum at Fourvière, to the technical centre Louis Vicat, and to the maintenance and operation centre of the Grand Lyon tunnels.

An intivation is extended to all by AFTES and TunnelTalk also looks forward to meeting friends, colleagues and to making new contacts at the show.


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