LOVAT TBM excavating Metro Milano
LOVAT TBM excavating Metro Milano Nov 2008
Ghella S.p.A., under contract to the Astaldi/Torno JV, has started excavation on the bored tunnel portion of the Metro Milano Linea M5 project in Milan, Italy.
The LOVAT RME370SE Series 19601 EPBM will excavate a 3,541m tunnel on a maximum 1.4% slope. The anticipated geology consists of gravel and sand with some weak silts. The alignment is predominately above the water table and under a cover of 8-12m.
LOVAT TBM ready to launch

LOVAT TBM ready to launch

The 9.4m diameter mixed face TBM is equipped with LOVAT ripper teeth and scraper cutting tools. The cutterhead is powered by a 2,700kW hydraulic main drive consisting of water-cooled electric motors coupled to variable displacement pumps, generating a maximum torque of 24,940kNm at 1 rev/min.
LOVAT supervised the refurbishment of the machine and continues to provide on-site technical services and spare parts support.


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