Vancouver's warm welcome to the ITA WTC
Jun 2010
Shani Wallis, TunnelTalk
- It was a truly majestic backdrop provided by the city of Vancouver for the 36th ITA General Assembly and WTC. Nearly 1,000 delegates and accompanying partners from 52 countries attended the event and enjoyed the social events hosted by the Tunnelling Association of Canada.
- The city's brand new Convention Centre on the waterfront of harbour was the venue for the Congress and its social events. From every angle through the glass outer walls of the rooms and landings the view was of the harbour and the snow-capped mountains beyond.
- On Sunday evening, the Chairman of the Organising Committee, Rick Lovat, welcomed the delegates to Vancouver and on behalf of the host nation's Tunnelling Association of Canada, wished everyone a memorable, enjoyable, and productive week.
- Official photographer, Jon Benjamin, was on hand to take photos of the conference proceedings and the special events. We publish a selection of the album here together with a selection of photos taken by the members of the Finish delegation who will welcome the delegates to Helsinki next year in May for the 37th General Assembly and World Tunnel Congress.
- In the meantime, we all hold special memories of a great visit to Vancouver, Canada. Thank you to everyone involved.
- 2010 World Tunnel Congress report - TunnelCast, May 2010
- Evening Reception:
- Opening Ceremonies: