ITACET training courses at the WTC 2019 in Naples 23 May 2019

Roland Herr for TunnelTalk

The two ITACET training courses at the WTC2019 in Naples attracted 75 delegates for the two-day course Tunnelling 4.0: Information Technology and 35 for the one-day course on Communication. In assisting the quality of the courses, the Shakespeare quote “to be or not to be, that is the question” should be kept in mind, since despite the not so high number of participants the sessions highlighted current trends via interesting, fascinating and high-quality presentations. Hats off to the organisers for the organization and the selection of the topics and to the presenters, but how to increase the number of participants?

About 75 participants from 25 countries joined the two-day course
About 75 participants from 25 countries joined the two-day course

The two-day course highlighted the application of digital and information technology as a current and often discussed topic. The use of BIM (building information modeling) was particularly in focus. One of the questions was: how much time and money we have to invest, for example in BIM, and how much we can we expect to get back in advantages as a result of that investment? Nobody could give a satisfying answer but it was acknowledged that BIM is a helpful tool and that there is no way to go without digitization and data collection and analysis. Implementing BIM, it was agreed, does need a lot of time, which means money, and then there is the question of the implementation. Professor Markus König of Ruhr University Bochum in Germany explained the fundamentals of BIM and described how BIM allows the visualization of complex situations in order to assess possible risks more accurately. This allows for more reliable decision-making and offers new possibilities. He described, in an engaging way, how to use BIM and the advantages and disadvantages of this technology.

Overview of some new technologies applied for mechanized tunnelling by Karin Bäppler
Overview of some new technologies applied for mechanized tunnelling by Karin Bäppler

Further topics of the 21 presentations across the two days included the use of automation as well as virtual and augmented reality as tools to improve tunnel construction processes; advanced technologies for geotechnical mapping and exploration; surveying and monitoring; and automation applied to underground construction equipment. Karin Bäppler, Head of Business Development Traffic Tunnelling with Herrenknecht, gave an overview of the digitization and networking features applied to TBM technology and in particular of the interaction between machine, cutting tools and prevailing geology for real-time networking of products and processes.

Max Eckstein, Sales Director of shotcrete machinery for Sika Aliva and President of EFNARC, gave an insight with Eric Odkrans of Edvirt into robot-assisted sprayed concrete and digital technology for mechanised shotcreting. Actually, the industry is working on automatized spraying with self-positioning and thickness control including real-time control of all operational parameters, data recording and transition, preventative maintenance, alternative power sources, and personal safety to achieve total automatisation of the spraying process. This can be realized with different scanning and automatisation technologies using laser, ultrasound, radar, and cameras. These processes have led the industry to semi-automated spraying machines that keep a constant spraying distance and angle and control the spray thickness in real-time. Parallel to this development, EFNARC, founded in 2009 to improve and secure a high skill level among concrete spraying operators and nozzlemen, now offers new technologies including a virtual training and assessment of nozzlemen, which is in high demand worldwide. A similar development was presented by Nicolas Ziv of Bouygues who introduced the Thalia simulator that uses digital technologies and augmented reality for training TBM operators and workers.

Virtual training for nozzlemen is become more common
Virtual training for nozzlemen is become more common

Communication and stakeholder engagement

Whether a tunnel is needed or not sometimes seems of less importance than the acceptance of the project by the public. Communication about major projects has therefore become more relevant and for communication to be established at very early stages of project development. The Italian Tunnelling Society (SIG) and the ITACET Foundation made an astute decision to pick up this topic and to organize the one day Communications training session. That there was not a high number of participants to appreciate the session is sad but true and no surprise. Hopefully, for the future, communication for projects will become more engaging after the comprehensive session presentations. Ten specialists from all parts of a project gave insights about the latest communication techniques and approaches that can be applied to foster interaction amongst stakeholders and within the scope of a major underground works project. Additionally, my own expertise and experience as a journalist were delivered in a presentation from the point of view of a journalist.

On the job training is shortened following simulated TBM operator training
On the job training is shortened following simulated TBM operator training

“When I was a young engineer on a job site, the project was bent in the public due to a lack of communication,” said Tarcisio Celestino, now Past President of the ITA in his welcoming address. Following this, Pietro Jarre and Roberto Mezzalama gave an impressive presentation from a job site’s view of communication. In the past, decision-making in regard to development of infrastructure was almost exclusively the domain of architects, engineers, planners and a handful of public authorities. But more recently, the general public has increased its influence and is now a major force in determining the success or failure of an infrastructure project. The authors explored some of the underlying trends relevant to the proponents of projects and presented some techniques to effectively address the increasing complexity of dealing with a skeptical and often adversarial public.

Antonia Cornaro and Han Admiraal, both of ITACUS, the ITA Committee on Underground Space, focussed on the use of new media and social networks in relation to tunnelling and underground space projects, presenting some interesting examples. There were presentations also about the communication efforts on mega projects of the world including the Brenner Base Tunnel, the Swiss Alpine base tunnels, the Lyon-Turin railway project, the Alaskan Way viaduct replacement project in Seattle, USA, and a large underground space construction project in South Korea. Each have had project information and difficult situations to manage and to communicate to the public.

Public acceptance changed from celebrations to riots at the job site
Public acceptance changed from celebrations to riots at the job site

Ten years of ITACET training sessions

For some 10 years, ITACET, the ITA Committee on Education and Training, has organized about 80 training sessions since the first one in 2009, and in cooperation with local organizers, with the numbers of participants ranging from 400 to 35, depending on the venue, the country, the topic of the session, and if the event is organized in association with an international conference. For the two sessions held in advance of the WTC 2019 in Naples, both SIG and ITACET conducted an effective promotion campaign to attract participants for the Courses.

The topics of both sessions were absolutely up to date and the course on communications was the more interesting and exotic. Unfortunately, only 35 participants were interested in this important topic for every construction job site in the world. Despite a lot of promotional information, the number of participants was too low for such important topics in which the whole industry should be interested. But who is to blame for this? For sure, not the ITACET or the local organisers, who did a very good job this year. Nevertheless, solutions are needed to attract more participants to the ITACET training sessions.

Raffaele Zurlo described successful communication efforts for Brenner Base Tunnel despite public opposition
Raffaele Zurlo described successful communication efforts for Brenner Base Tunnel despite public opposition

Training sessions are a must do!

Parallel to other items on the ITACET to-do-list, I would like to call on all young and not so young engineers to join these outstanding chances of training and knowledge transfer and appreciate the high level and experience of the specialist presenters from everywhere in the industry. There are many ITACET training events planned in the coming months, including in Thailand (date to be confirmed), in Nigeria in October 2019 and in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at the weekend ahead of the WTC2020 on Friday and Saturday 15-16 May 2020. The theme for the Training Course in Kuala Lumpur is Innovation in Tunnelling - Geotechnical Engineering and Project Management.


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