Task force identifies preferred Crossrail 2 route 07 Feb 2013
Peter Kenyon, TunnelTalk
A second Crossrail link for London incorporating a 27km underground section from Wimbledon in the south-west of the UK capital to Tottenham Hale in the north-east has been backed by the transport agency Transport for London (TfL).
35km Crossrail 2 central tunnel section

35km Crossrail 2 central tunnel section

The support, from Michelle Dix, Managing Director for Planning for TfL, follows the release of a final report into the link from influential business lobby group Transport First, chaired by former UK Transport Minister Lord Adonis.
Key recommendations include exploring financing models and design options with a view to beginning construction in the 2020s.
Also on the panel that reported on possible route options for the estimated £12 billion line are Duncan Wilkinson, a Director at infrastructure and engineering consultant Arup, and Roy Hill, a Director at CH2M-Hill.
The proposals also include an 8km spur tunnel between Angel in Islington and Alexandra Palace.
"In order to meet the demands that are going to occur in the next decade we have to start planning for Crossrail 2 now," said TfL MD (Planning) Dix. "Crossrail 2 has been justified, there is a policy statement for it, there is a need for it, there is support for it from businesses. We welcome the report by London First today (6 February, 2013), so that is acknowledging support for it because if we do not London will grind to a halt in 20 years time."
  • Crossrail 2 with connections

    Crossrail 2 with connections

  • London First report on Crossrail 2

    London First report on Crossrail 2

In addition to the 27km long underground section, the proposal includes a new super-station at Kings Cross, Euston and St Pancras that would connect with the east-west Crossrail 1, which is currently under construction, the High Speed 1 rail link connecting London with the Channel Tunnel, and the proposed 400km/hr High Speed 2 London-Birmingham-Leeds-Manchester rail link, which is moving towards Parliamentary approval.
There would also be a further eight underground stations along the route, plus four more on the Angel (Islington) to Alexandra Palace spur.
The main route broadly follows one that has been safeguarded for potential rail development since 1991. This was more recently confirmed in 2008 and is due to be looked at again later this year.
  • Crossrail 2 - Option B

    Crossrail 2 - Option B

  • Safeguarded route for Crossrail 2

    Safeguarded route for Crossrail 2

  • Crossrail 2 - Option A

    Crossrail 2 - Option A

Analysis of the corridor has reduced various options to two main routes with London First strongly supporting the more expansive and more expensive Option B. Option A, estimated at £9.5 billion would be a 'closed' underground system between Clapham and Alexandra Palace whereas Option A would, like Crossrail 1, allow for heavier through trains that can connect with existing commuter services at either end. The cost difference is accounted for mainly by the need for larger diameter tunnels and longer station platforms required under Option B.
TfL has commissioned an engineering feasibility and cost study of the core tunnelled elements of both options and concluded that both are feasible. Further studies will be carried out this year (2013) to continue to develop the engineering proposals.
The new report, concludes: "Serious work must begin now so as not to repeat the mistakes of Crossrail 1 and spend 40 years planning and generating support for a scheme needed within 20 years."
Final Report of London First Crossrail 2 Task Force

Crossrail launches first TBM for Thames Crossing - TunnelTalk, January 2013
Crossrail management mobilized - TunnelTalk, May 2009
UK High Speed 2 needs 56km of twin tunnels - TunnelTalk, January 2013
High speed rail pitch for the UK - TunnelTalk, August 2009

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