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Welcome to a preview of the digital edition of the TunnelTalk Annual Review 2011 which allows you free access to the first few pages of the issue as a trial.
Each of the articles in the Annual Review has been published first on, the leading online magazine for the global underground construction industry.
All the articles are hotlinked to the TunnelTalk online Archive allowing for direct, free access to the full coverage and a wealth of additional information. All advertisements are also hotlinked directly to the advertiser’s website. All featured videos are linked to the TunnelTalk YouTube channel.
Please see the final page of this preview for information on how to purchase full versions of each digital issue of the Annual Review since 2010, allowing you to build a historic reference of the international tunnelling industry.
Annual Review 2011
How will 2011 be remembered? Will it be for the mergers and acquisitions within the industry; or the floods and natural disasters that devastated parts of the world, the east coast of Japan in particular? Will it be for the conferences and exhibitions that had the industry gathered and informed; or for the major contract awards, project breakthroughs, and technical developments that were achieved? Or will it be for the projects cancelled as part of public financing austerity?
Through the year TunnelTalk has kept abreast of these stories, publishing the news and information on the website, highlighting the new editorial content on the free weekly email Alert to a growing database of readers, and updating the record on our RSS feed and network media accounts.
In this second edition of the TunnelTalk Annual Review, the major events of 2011 are highlighted: the ones that punctuated the year internationally and chartered the progress of projects into 2012 and towards their completion.
TunnelTalk is now into its fourth year of operation and is continuing to grow. Our team expanded in 2011 with new members Peter Kenyon, News Editor; Binda Punj, Advertisement Manager; and editorial contributors Armand van Wijck, Zheng Yan Long and Alex Kisiri, joining our regular reporters and staff. Our webmasters and programmers continue to keep the site current and progressive, presenting a wide range of web publishing possibilities, including expansion of our video and podcast broadcasting. The Annual Review is recognition of the efforts by all through 2011 and the programme for continuing the service into the coming years.
During 2011, TunnelTalk attended twelve international conferences and exhibitions: from bC India in February, WTC in Helsinki in May, RETC in San Francisco in June, AFTES in Lyon in October, the Shanghai Symposium in November, to STUVA in Berlin in December, many of these as the event’s official web media partner. At each, the measure of developments in these different parts of the world and the interconnection between them was monitored and reported. Looking into 2012, we will meet the industry again at a similar set of conferences and events, and we look forward to continuing the task of keeping the industry informed and the news as current and immediate as only publishing on the web can achieve.
This printed Annual Review publication is presented as a record of the year for the bookshelf. It is a reminder of what happened in 2011, of how the year impacted major projects, advanced further developments, and changed the shape of the industry.
Visit the website - - to learn of the latest industry news and the website’s Archive to research further details of the projects highlighted in this record of 2011. An Annual Review of TunnelTalk reporting for 2012 is already in the making. Contact us to become a part of the coverage.
Direct by Design
Additional copies of the TunnelTalk 2011 Annual Review can be ordered on the website
Copyright© TunnelTalk 2012. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. All views expressed in this journal are those of the respective contributors and are not necessarily the opinions of the publisher, neither do the publishers endorse any of the claims made in the articles or the advertisements. Printed by Buxton Press, UK.
5 Breakthrough ends challenging journey at Niagara 8 Kuala Lumpur concludes MRT Swiss Challenge
9 Hong Kong express to mainland China
12 Record-settingsealinksopeninChina
13 ChinabeginsHongKong-Zhuhai-Macaosealink 16 Irelanddrops€5.6billionmetroprojects
17 BrennerBaselineconnection:Lettheworksbegin! 19 InnValleyundergroundrailreadytoopen
20 WorksbeginonAustria’sKoralmraillink
21 GotthardBaselinefinalbreakthrough
22 GermanyadvancesStuttgard-21
23 NewZealandawardsmega-TBMhighwayproject 25 SecondAvenuetakingshapeinNewYork
26 ProgrammingforsuccessonCrossrail
28 PoliticalbackingforDenmark-Germanysubsealink 29 Seattle’smegaboredtunnel:thepoliticalstory
31 Californiacallsforhigh-speedrailcollaborators
32 QatardrivesforwardwithDohaMetro
32 NewZealandconcedesproposedparkroute 33 MetrostaysundergroundatDullesAirport
33 MajorupgradeplansforLondon’sBankStation 34 AndeslinkapriorityforChile-Argentina-Brazil 34 BypassrepairforageingNewYorkaqueduct 35 TunnelskeytoColombia’sMountainHighway
36 AccessdrivesinChileformightymineoperation 36 Seoulblastsagranitemountainhighwaypass 37 BrisbanecompletesAirportLinkexcavation
38 CentralSubwayawardsinSanFrancisco
39 TransittunnelingadvancesinToronto 40 OttawaannouncesshortlistforLRT 40 Seattlemobilizesforsewerupgrade 41 SeattleLRTbreakthroughs
42 SlurryTBMsreadytotackleNewYorksoftground 44 ColumbusmobilizestheOARSproject
45 SlimspreadforIndianapolisCSObids
46 BluePlainsTunnelteamsselectedinDC
47 HongKongclosingoutWestDrainagescheme 48 ExcavationcompleteonBrightwater
49 NewYorkharborcrossingunderway
50 PPPtobuildnewMidtownTunnelinVirginia 50 Caldecotthighwaybreakthrough
51 RiodeJaneiropreparesforinternationalgames 52 MiamiPortTunnelsubseadrivebegins
52 LeeTunnelstartforThamesRiverCSOcontrol 53 LongwaitoverforLakeMeadTBM
54 Indiabuildsitsfirstoilstoragecaverns
56 StrabagtobuildTorontowastewatertunnel 57 FloodingcontrolforAustin,Texas
58 Trackingtheworld’smega-TBMs
60 HerrenknechtbeginsrolloutofallCrossrailTBMs 61 NFMmegamachinesreadyforSpain
61 Record-settingmountaindrivesinChina
62 RobbinsTBMrollsintohardrockhistory
62 FirstRobbinsslurryTBMsetforlaunch
63 RussiaconfirmsorderforlargestTBMever
64 Asecondmega-TBMrivercrossingforNanjing 65 HybridEPBMatSleemanabad
65 TripleTBMlaunchinMalaysia
66 Top-classTBMsforAzerbaijanMetro
66 BangaloreMetroTBMsinaugurated
67 JapanesemachineforSeattle’smegaTBMdrive
68 Insearchofresilientcities
72 ShortsightedYuccaMountainshutdown 72 No-digcarbonreductionadvantage
73 Fatalaccidentsandtheirconsequences 74 China’sleadingmega-projectstatus
76 NewProductsandInnovations 82 ConferencesandExhibitions 87 CompanyNews
91 ProjectRehabilitation
93 EducationandTraining 95 AwardsandTributes
Underground in Action

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