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Each of the articles in the Annual Review has been published first on, the leading online magazine for the global underground construction industry.
All the articles are hotlinked to the TunnelTalk online Archive allowing for direct, free access to the full coverage and a wealth of additional information. All advertisements are also hotlinked directly to the advertiser’s website. All featured videos are linked to the TunnelTalk YouTube channel.
Please see the final page of this preview for information on how to purchase full versions of each digital issue of the Annual Review since 2010, allowing you to build a historic reference of the international tunnelling industry.
Annual Review 2010
Welcome to the first TunnelTalk Annual Review – a record of the major events of 2010, as researched and reported by TunnelTalk. Far from a complete list of the tunnelling and underground space construction and planning that took place during 2010, the publication is rather a compilation of project news and technological reports that marked the major achievements and charted trends for activity into the coming years.
2010 for most was a year of hunkering down. After the heady growth of the early 2000s, the deep, and shocking collapse of the financial world in 2008-09 had all sectors of the global economy reeling. For the international tunnelling industry, projects in development, some for decades, stared at delay or complete cancellation as governments slashed public spending and private enterprise saw a collapse of order books.
Through 2010, the task for industry leaders and project managers was to hang on to belief in their projects and convince governments of their viability and critical need. Vast amounts of stimulus package money certainly benefited many a tunnelling project, but intense scrutiny of budgets had every pound and penny questioned. Through the pain some mega projects survived - the Alaskan Way bored tunnel project in Seattle and Crossrail in London high among them. Others did not - the ARC project in New Jersey being a high profile cancellation.
A trend established well before the economic crisis was commitment by Asian countries to tremendous public infrastructure investment. China and India are leaders of phenomenal programmes of tunnelling works throughout Asia and into the Middle East for high-speed rail, metros, roads, water supply, hydroelectric projects and much more. Hundreds, even thousands, of kilometres of excavation through all types of geology, using all types and sizes of tunnelling machines, and applying all manner of support and construction materials, have been added to the international order books of consultants, contractors and suppliers.
At the same time, the underground option is being adopted throughout the world to comply with strict environmental regulations and social pressures and to repair, expand and replace ageing infrastructure. There can be no doubt: the global industry is looking at extreme demand on its resources in coming years.
This raises urgent concerns for the capacity of suppliers to meet that demand as well as the critical need for trained engineers and skilled tunnel workers to bring all to reality. Looking into 2011 and years to come, education and training is a topic of concentration for TunnelTalk coverage as is reporting on new mega-projects of the world and the continuation of many thousands of local tunnelling projects that make living in urban and rural areas possible.
While this printed publication is a tangible record of TunnelTalk’s commitment to reporting developments in the international industry, the magazine’s principal objective is to publish on the web. By the time anything is printed on paper and distributed it is dated. Publishing on the web is by far the most direct method of reporting information and researching specific data.
Our readership continues to expand, our free weekly Alert reaches all corners of the globe, our Archive grows to include wider sources of inter-related information, our video reports bring an extra dimension to the industry’s media coverage, and our advertisers enjoy direct links to clients, contractors, and customers worldwide. Our services provide notice boards for those seeking Job Opportunities, for announcing procurement of new projects and contracts, and for the exchange of used equipment in the market place. Our Directory expands to include more of the world’s industry providers and coverage continues to stay abreast of progress and industry developments.
Visit the website – – to know the very latest of industry news and of immediate development of projects highlighted in this historical record of 2010. An Annual Review of the TunnelTalk content for 2011 is now in the making. Contact us to book a place among its pages.
Direct by Design
Additional copies of the TunnelTalk 2010 Annual Review can be ordered on the website
Copyright© TunnelTalk 2011. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. All views expressed in this journal are those of the respective contributors and are not necessarily the opinions of the publisher, neither do the publishers endorse any of the claims made in the articles or the advertisements. Printed by Buxton Press, UK.
7 Making history at Gotthard
9 Tunnel beats bridge for Fehmarnbelt fixed link 13 Alaskan Way mega-project procurement
18 London prepares for Crossrail
22 Hallandsås celebrates first tunnel finish
24 Copenhagen begins Cityringen metro line
25 Amsterdam’s Mixshield Metro drives
26 Oslo-Ski high-speed rail options
27 ExploratoryborebeginningforBrennerBaseline
28 Baltimore’s billion dollar LRT vision
28 Plan for LRT under downtown Ottawa
29 Mega water supply plan for California
30 CSO program for Washington DC
30 Lee Tunnel start for Thames CSO cleanup
32 Devil’s Slide breaks through
32 Digging begins at Caldecott
33 Port of Miami undersea link underway
34 Brisbane’s underground highways programme
36 San Francisco invests in water supply security
38 India progresses city centre metros
39 Gautrain begins airport link services
39 Delhi Metro meets Games target
40 Onsite EPBM assembly in Mexico City
41 Four pre-qualify for Dublin’s DART PPP
42 Robbins metro connections in China
43 MobilizationofSeattle’sUniversityLink
46 Fast track drill+blast productivity
47 Largest ever TBM from Herrenknecht to Italy
48 Robbins EBPMs heading for Mexico City
49 VeteranTBMcontinuesworkonFaroeIslands
51 Two NFM TBMs for Spanish road crossing
51 CutterheadchangesforBarcelonaTBM
52 Caterpillar’s TBM strategy
53 AkerWirthTBMforsteepinclineddrive
54 Collaboration for new TBM supplier
54 New eco-friendly tail seal grease
55 Lake Mead TBM designed for the extreme
57 UK applies spray-on waterproofing
61 Modern large diameter TBM rock tunnels
63 20 years of fibre concrete linings in the UK
64 A Direct Pipe first in USA
65 Smart infrastructure research
66 Vancouver’stwintunnelsreachtarget
67 Brightwater’s limit to costly delays
68 Glacier drainage tunnel in full flow
69 RepairoflimitedheadracecollapseinEthiopia
70 Recovery of failed headrace at Glendoe
71 InundationatLakeMeadIntakeNo3
72 Channel Tunnel 20 years on
74 PPE last line of defence for safety at work
75 ARC cancellation hit industry hard
76 Surviving massive earthquakes
77 Advocating DRBs
78 DRB scores success in Dublin
79 Company News
81 BAUMA goes on despite travel upheaval
82 ITA success at Vancouver
83 NAT Portland surpasses 2008 event
84 Tribute to an engineering master
85 Links across the waters
89 Books and reports 91 Awards and tributes
Underground in Action