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25 Mar 2021             ALERT SIGNUP
Intricate excavation upgrades London metro station

Exceptional SCL structures were required under the heart of the financial centre of London and within a complex of existing and operational underground infrastructure to upgrade Bank Station

Mobilizing for the Los Angeles outfall drive

A 6.5m diameter slurry Mixshield is in assembly ready to drive the new 11.25km Los Angeles effluent outfall tunnel through complex geology and requiring a post-tensioned precast concrete segmental lining for sections through reaches where internal operating pressure will exceed external pressures

Quantifying reliability in geological prediction

Use of rigorous geological structural domaining techniques, together with reliability checking and ranking, can lead to better design modelling and reduced project risk

MBCC Group adds to underground portfolio

MBCC Group acquired TPH Bausysteme and Bluey Technologies to strengthen portfolios in underground construction solutions

First TBM assembled and launched for Snowy 2.0 in Australia

The first of three TBMs for the Snowy 2.0 project is launched to excavate first the 2.6km main access into the area of the underground power station and then relaunched underground to complete the tailrace to the Talbingo Reservoir


Complex excavations in urban settings present considerable challenges and inspire groundbreaking solutions. Through a combination of careful excavation, detailed monitoring, and close collaboration between contractor, client and designer, intricate excavation can now create extraordinary and highly successful underground spaces.

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