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11 Mar 2021             ALERT SIGNUP

Top tender for Brenner extension chosen

Best bidder for a 22.5km extension of the Brenner Base tunnel to Ponta Gardena is a Webuild Group-Implenia JV

Toronto Metro bidders named

Preferred bidders for two metro extensions in Toronto are named as Strabag; and the Aecon, Dragados and Ghella West End Contractors JV


Dai Heycock, one of the fondly remembered characters of the UK industry and on many overseas projects, died last July 2020

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The ability of contractors to adjust to changes as a project develops over time becomes increasingly important on larger and long duration projects. The capacity for the parties involved to communicate with each other effectively, and recognise the specific concerns and objectives of each, will have the biggest impact on the likelihood of successful outcomes of large underground projects.

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